Siblings and gaming (smut)

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Lucas wakes up to max on top of him with her head in his neck

Lucas: what did you do

Max: I hit my finger on the headboard

Max only wants to be babied after certain things like if she hurts her self or Lucas or someone else hurt her feelings

Lucas: do you want me to kiss it

Max: do I look five

Lucas: yes your laying on top of me crying about your finger

*Halo jumps on the bed*

Max: hi baby

Lucas: I have to take a shower

Max: fine

*she was about to roll off of him but he stops her*

Lucas: I have no underwear on so your going to make me hard

Max: can I

Lucas: why

Max: I want a baby

Lucas: aii bet take off your clothes

Max: no tonight

Lucas: alright

*After they get dressed*

Steve: your mouth ok

Max: shut up!

Mike: Steve you made her release her demon

Max: why are you my brother


Mike: yea

Nancy: how

Max: I don't think you knew this but you know that trip your mom took to California

Nancy: yea

Max: your mom met my dad and he got her pregnant

Nancy: so ted is not his dad

Max: no

Nancy: why am I just hearing about this

Mike: umm we just didn't want to tell anyone yet

El: so if me and Mike get married your my sister in law

Max: yes

Lucas: I always knew that you two had that sister and brother bond you would always fight but then the next day you love each other example like me and Erica

Suzie: now when you two hug I get to say sibling love

Robin: yes

Jonathan: I think she will beat you up

Dustin: I will not let her beat my suzie up

Steve: Dustin she could mortal kombat style you if she really wanted to

Mike: I want to play call of duty

El: fortnight

Dustin: what she said

Jonathan: apex legends

Steve; we are playing fortnight

Lucas: I wanna play GTA

Max: just so you can fuck women

Suzie: I wanna play Minecraft

Max: yes

Lucas: let the girls play Minecraft and see how good they are

Steve: the boys will be on twitch watching you guys so put on face cams

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