Chapter 1

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Ty Borden saw this beautiful young woman come barrelling out of the gate and take all three barrels and back out in record time. This was his own 20th Birthday treat for himself and his friend Tomas. He went off to try and find her, and find her he did. It seemed she had her whole family there and he could tell that one was her Mother or Sister and another was dark haired and an older couple who could be her grandparents.
He waited till they moved on then quickly moved in and said hello.
"Hello, I just watched your second run
and I can't get over how you train them to be so fast, it was Amazing.
Oh I'm sorry,  I'm Ty Borden ".
"Hello Ty, I'm Amy Fleming/Bartlett".
"Hi, you know I think I've heard your name mentioned before, I'm sure my Father mentioned you".
"Oh, well hope it was a good mention and not a bad one".
"Oh yes, definitely a good mention, but not the Bartlett name".
"Well it's actually just Amy Fleming, people I don't know I add My grand parents name, it's something I've always done since I was little. I don't really know my father. That's to much much information, sorry, I  always get a Bit Nervous".
"Nervous ?,  well that makes two of us". Ha ha
"I'd better get myself ready for the results ".
"Oh yes, sorry. How can I contact you, unless you already have someone special".
"Heartland Ranch, Hudson, Alberta, bye Ty".
Ty was watching as Amy won the Barrel Racing which was a foregone conclusion really.
Also watching was Tim Fleming, but he was also watching the whole family and had been for some time. He took particular interest in who his youngest daughter spoke to or those who showed interest in.

"Well done darling".
"Thanks Mum".
"Well done Amy".
"Thanks Grandma,  Grampa, where's Lou".
"She was really busy this morning,  had about four families book in late last night and one of the girls phoned in sick this morning ".
"Oh that's unfortunate".
"Don't worry I videoed it for her".
"Aw thanks Mum, is that Tim watching me just to the side of the announcement tower".
Jack changed position to put himself by Amy's side.
"Marion, looks like someone's turned back up".
"Well of course he has, probably been following Amy's achievements, let's ignore him, are we ready to go home"
"Yep, I'll get Shadow in the trailer then meet you back at Heartland ".
"I think I'll come back with you love".
"Okay Mum".
While Amy was putting Shadow in her large 6 horse slant, rear tack and 13' Living Quarters Trailer, Tim was slowly approaching as he saw an opportunity to introduce himself to his youngest Daughter as well of other opportunities with her experience,  as he was about to walk out between two trailers he heard and saw Marion at the last moment. He stayed where he was and watched as Amy reversed and then drove off back to the Heartland Ranch.

"So Amy, who was that handsome young man I saw you talking too".
"Oh come on, it's unusual to see you talking to a member of the opposite sex".
"Well he was really nice and polite".
"Did he give you a name".
"Err, yes, it was Ty Borden".
"No Way Amy, are you sure ".
"Yes, so what".
"He's the Son of a multi Millionaire Businessman, and I understand he loves horses".
"Well, we'll see if he gets intouch, so what about Tim, what's he up too MOM, last time he turned up was when I was 15 and he got all over protective and trying to tell me what I can and can't do".
"Well that's why me and your Grampa  told him to get lost, so just keep your eye's open".
"Well he wasn't happy about some plan that you, Grandma and Grampa had about me when I reached 18 yrs of age".
"Well he's old fashioned and forgets that at 18 your a Legal Adult, I spoke to my parents and Dad was a bit old fashioned but by the time Mum had words with him he agreed that young as you were your very sensible and it's your Life Amy, so we built the Ranch House for you. If you find someone special then it's up to you how far you want to go, just be careful love".
"Thanks Mum, your the best".

One year later Amy and the family were all busy and working hard. Amy was training a horse outside when she saw this large Jeep approaching. It parked in front of Amy's Ranch house and her breath hitched when she saw Ty Borden get out and look over to her giving a small wave.
Amy and Ty got on really well, in fact she thought she'd never see him again and before they knew it they'd been dating for just over 12 Months.
Amy was cooking a meal for herself and Ty this evening and asked Grandma Lyndy for some advice. Thankfully Amy was a good cook, Lyndy and Marion taught her well.
Amy was going to start cooking about 4 o'clock and it was only just 10am.
Marion was working on one of her clients Horse's and Amy was training a horse for Barrel Racing. The Barn was replaced a few years ago after someone set fire to it out of revenge,  it has 24 stables and Amy and Marion have a side each.
They heard a truck approaching and It parked by the main Ranch House.
Neither of them was happy when they saw Tim Fleming get out and start walking towards Marion.
Amy rode over to the fence and climbed into the corral that Marion was working in. She stood by her mother and told her father to get lost as he wasn't welcome at Heartland.
Tim just walked up and pointed his finger in Amy's face.
"You should show some respect  to your Elders and especially Me as I'm your father".
"You may be biologically, but the word Father means a lot more than just being the sperm donor".

"Marion, you need to teach our daughter some manners. But you've been holding out on me, why didn't you tell me how good and well loved our little girl was.
I had a chat to someone,  who told me that our Amy has made a fortune for herself and you've done pretty good for yourself too Marion".
"What Amy and myself have earned is since you and I divorced so your out of luck. I do not owe you anything".
"Well that's beside the point, a friend of mine is looking for somewhere to rent and I noticed that you had a fairly new Ranch House, I know Lou's living down near her business and you and Amy would be at the main house , so you want to rent it out".
Marion looks at Amy, " It's not mine to rent out, and it's being lived in, if you remember Tim, your not allowedon Heartland property sodo as Amy said and get lost".
"Well I'll have a word with Jack, my friend will pay double.
Then Tim left.


To be continued

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