Chapter Six

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Libby hugged Weber tight. "I can't believe they transferred you."

Weber let go and moved to Della. "It happens a lot around here."

Tess hugged her next. "Good luck at your next MASH unit, give 'em hell."

Weber chuckled. "I will, I promise."

With a wave to the girls, Doris left the unit.


The next day, Weber's replacement came in. Tess was sent to greet her.

"I'm Betty Payne." She shook the young girl's hand.

"Payne? You wouldn't happen to be any relation to a Lavinia Payne who's working at a hospital in Tokyo would you?"

"I am, she's my sister-in-law." Tess confirmed. "How's she doing?"

"Well, she sees her sister, Edith, often. I used to switch shifts with her so they could meet up." Vivien told Tess. "I don't know who'll trade shifts with her now."

"I'm sure someone will be nice enough to." Tess assured her. "Here, I'll show you to our tent. But first, let's go to Post-Op so you can meet Libby."

Tess grabbed Langley's bag. "I can carry that."

She waved off her protests. "It's fine, I'm fairly strong." Strong enough to lift a tank. Tess chuckled to herself.

"What's so funny?"

"Ah, nothing. Come on, Post-Op's this way." She led the girl through the clerk's office to the Post-Op ward where they found Libby doing paperwork. "Libby?"

The young nurse turned to Tess and Vivien. "Well, you must be our new roommate. I'm Libby Moore."

Langley shook her hand. "Vivien Langley."

"Nice to meet you." Libby motioned to the room. "Well, this is Post-Op. As you can see, we usually have a full house."

"It's always this busy?"

Before Libby could answer an announcement came over the loud speaker. "Attention all personnel, incoming wounded. All hands on deck!"

"Well, that's our cue." Tess said leading Vivien out. "Let me show you to the scrub room."

For the rest of the day the nurses and doctors were busy in surgery. Vivien held her own with the CO and even was praised by him afterwards. Before Tess could go back to her tent, Hudson pulled her into Post-Op.

"Markov's not doing good."

"Doctor!" Libby screamed from Aleksandr's bed. "Doctor! He's dying!"

Tess and the Chief Surgeon rushed over to the young soldier's bedside. Hudson examined his stomach. "There's blood in his abdominal cavity. We'll have to go back in. Payne, you're with me."

"Yes, Doctor."

After setting up the OR, Markov was wheeled into surgery. Just as they opened him up his pressure dropped and his heart stopped. Hudson opened his chest and massaged his heart. They tried for ten minutes to resuscitate him. Finally, the Chief Surgeon pulled away. "Time of death, nineteen-forty two."

"No!" Tess cried as she replaced his hands on the young soldier's heart. "He can't die! He's only eighteen!"

Hudson walked around the table and pulled Tess back. In her grief, she didn't fight back. "He's gone, Payne. It's inhumane to keep trying to bring him back."

Tess tore herself from the Major's arms and rushed out of the OR, only stopping to throw her scrubs in the laundry. She ran as far as she could without her Vampire speed. Even though it was already dark, she could see clearly. Finally, just before the minefield, she stopped and sat on the ground letting herself cry her eyes out.

The Travellers Chronicles Book Eight: To Be A Friend (On Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now