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" There there, it's just a game of Uno.... How about we do something else, hmm?" Kevin asked while massaging Vincent's shoulders. While he just complained about Felix being mean. Felix was just standing in the background, saying a sorry that he didn't seem to really mean. Adrian perked up, raising a hand. " Oh, oh! I have something I want to talk about actually!" He exclaimed. Adrian then suddenly looked shy, tapping his fingertips together.

" Since we're all here on a sleepover.... M-maybe now's a good time to discuss how we should go about a four-way kiss?" Adrian asked, the boyfriends all looked towards Adrian. " That's right... Last time we tried it, we just bonked our heads together...." Felix said remembering when they had done it last time. " Do you have any ideas on how to do it?" Kevin asked, " Wouldn't bring it up if I don't right?" Adrian asked searching through his bag. " Ta-dah! How about we decide based on dice rolls?" Adrian threw the dice in front of his boyfriends.

" Woah, what a pretty set of dice..." Kevin said looking at the dice, " I've never seen dice like these before!" He exclaimed. " I actually collect these, but I never properly use them." Felix said, " Then now's a good time to try and use them!" Adrian exclaimed with an excited look on his face. " And to do that.... Let's refer to the SMOOCHIN' & SNOGGIN' guidebook!" Adrian yelled, holding up a pink book. He threw down the pink book onto the ground, a loud thump could be heard through the room. Vincent grabbed the book, a confused look on his face while flipping through the pages. " This book is thicker than my schoolbooks.... Can you give a sporknotes for this?" Vincent asked. [ Y/N ] raised his hand, " I can make that happen." He silently said.

" Well I can simplify! First, you pick a class.... Then you roll the dice to decide on your own stats...." Then Adrian continued to tell his boyfriends the large amount of information that he has read from the book. Confusing the four boys, " And that's basically it! It's an effective way to decide how to kiss, right?" Adrian then flinched when he saw that his four boys seemed to be slightly dazed. " W-Were you guys even listening???"

Kevin's soul has left his body, Vincent was trying to get his head wrapped around the entire thing, [ Y/N ] leaned against Felix. He had a look on his face that made it seem the world has just betrayed him. " I'll be honest, I got a bit of lost along the way." Felix said, being the only one that was normal. " So... no to my idea then?" Adrian asked kind of disappointed. " It's.... A little hard to follow..." Kevin tried to reassure. " Me too.." Vincent said, having his eyes shut closed with his hands in tight fists. " Maybe we should use a simpler method instead....?" Felix suggested, having a hand on his chin while looking down.

They ended up never figuring out how to do a five-way kiss.

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