Chapter 5

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Lucy shares a worried look with Mirajane not long after Zera falls asleep. The kid barely ate any of the food Mira had given her, but she had managed to finish off the milkshake. She slowly nodded off while nibbling on some french fries. Worry bubbles up in Lucy's stomach as she watches the sleeping girl. There had been a bunch of red flags Lucy had noticed throughout the day, each one adding to the worry building in her. She is genuinely worried about where this girl had come from.

"Do you think she's okay Mira? I mean... she's so skinny." Lucy asks quietly.

A determined look appears on Mirajane's face, "She will be. She's one of us now, and we look after our own."

Lucy couldn't help herself, she reached out and gently runs her fingers through the kid's hair. It is very silky and to her amusement slightly static. A few strands floated up and stayed there for a moment before floating back down. Zera twitched lightly at the touch but stays sleeping.

"She must have been exhausted to fall asleep and stay asleep in all this noise," Lucy mutters out.

Mira laughs behind her hand, "And did you see her attack both Natsu and Gajeel? She got them both to back down. She's going to fit in here just fine."

Lucy lets out a sigh, "Yeah, Natsu won't stop talking about it. He really wants to take her out on a mission." She glances at the sleeping girl, "It didn't look like she wanted to go through. It was really quick, but she almost looked afraid at the idea of going on a mission."

"Well, we'll just have to work on her confidence. She clearly has a good amount of magic. Later on, we'll have to see how much control she has over it." Mira says softly.

Lucy nods along and is about to say something else when she involuntarily lets out a small shriek when the totem flies off Zera's lap. She thought totems slept when their masters slept. She watches with wide eyes as the metal sphere dances around Zera's head. She jumps again when Master appears out of nowhere.

"Ah yes, Zera's seith magic is a little different from Bickslow's. Zera's little totem here is very protective of her." Master Makarov tells them with a fond tone to his voice. He looks up at the circling sphere and a small smirk appears on his face, "The three of us will keep an eye on your charge if you want to go join the celebrations."

Bix froze mid-air before maneuvering himself to float right in front of Master Makarov's face. He lets out a small questioning chirp, once more annoyed at the fact of not being able to speak like he wants to without the mental connection to Zera. The guild members in the future are pretty intuned to his different noises and can translate rather well, the kids even more so with how much time he spends around them. Being in the past is going to be a whole new challenge of communicating without Zera translating for him. Not that she usually cares about translating for him. It's not that he doesn't trust the Master, of course, he does, but he wants to make sure that Zera won't be left alone if he goes off to annoy his younger friends. Zera is usually okay by herself for a short time but with circumstances as they are and their surroundings being so new, well new to Zera, he didn't want her to panic when she woke up.

Thankfully Master Makarov seemed to be able to figure out what he was asking, "Don't worry, I won't leave her side until she wakes up or you come back."

Mirajane gave the sphere a gentle smile, "We'll look after her, go have some fun."

"Yeah, it'll be nice to get a break from the mayhem for a while," Lucy tells him.

If Bix could smile he would, god he loves his guild. He chirps his thanks before taking off and immediately dive-bombing at Gray who lets out a yelp as he dives out of the way. The ice mage attempts to freeze him, but Bix dodges out of the way. He does the best he can to let out noises that sound like mocking laughter and the ice mage narrows his eyes at him before giving him a smirk. All right, game on!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2022 ⏰

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