Part 2

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Same day
Crystal and kj talking and the girls are upstairs and devale is in his man cave Crystal: girl I got everything right for my birthday I can't wait
Kj: me either girlllll do yk what you gone do for kammy birthday yet ?
Crystal:No she said she wanted to have a birthday bash then a hotel party
Kj:oh so both of y'all having big parties lol
Crystal:yea I guess so but I have to have hers plan in like a month
Macei:So y'all know The light skin boy I be talking bout
Kam:Lordy not again
Mirah:who Mykel
Macei: yes his fine self
Mirah:right Kam she know better ain he like 17
Macei: so what I'm 16 it's just a year mirah
Kam: now you know dad not gone let you date no boy
Mirah:right now Ma she don't really care
Macei:who said I was gone date him I just said he was fine but he did walk up to me today tryna start a conversation
Mirah:oooouuuuu Mae Mae tryna get ha a lil boo
Kam:right Mirah
Crystal went to go check on the girls and see what they doing
Crystal:hey y'all what y'all doing
Mirah: nun ma Mae Mae like a boy at school
Macei: shut up mirah
Kam: you know you do Mae
Crystal: Now Macei yk yo daddy devale Ellis don't do that
Macei: (sad) I know ma
Crystal:okay what he look like
Devale walk upstairs in hear
Devale:what who look like
Crystal: Nobody baby go back to your man cave tryna talk to my girls ALONE
Devale:who got a boyfriend Macei,kameron,TaMirah who got a boyfriend don't lie to me
Crystal:ooouuu y'all in trouble
The girls: really ma ?
Crystal:sorry lol
Macei:but dad I swear nobody have a boyfriend
Devale:Mae don't play wit me
Macei:dad I swear I'm not
Devale:okay I'm leaving i Iove y'all baby girls
All: I love you to
Devale:really cry's
Crystal:sorry baby
Everybody laugh
Devale:it's okay meet me in our room
Crystal:okay daddy
Mirah and macei:y'all so nasty eww

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