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We went to this party during the second term of our second year. I've been to a high school party before, but it was a disaster. Because it was many people's first time, everyone went a little crazy that night. I stayed on the sidelines and simply asked Jisoo to leave in the middle of it. Rosie and Lisa came, but they weren't feeling it, so they left a little later than us.

This party is much more relaxed now; people are still a little crazy from the alcohol, but it's tolerable. I had the courage to drink because Rosie had been handing me drinks from time to time.

She drank a lot and began gossiping about some of our classmates, and since talking shit is my religion, we spent a lot of time on the side drinking and gossiping about people. This is probably why I kept in touch with her; I knew she had it in her.

After a while, Rosie was asked to play beer pong, and of course, more alcohol made her say yes. Jisoo spends the majority of her time upstairs, acting like a nerd, casually playing video games with a few guys and girls while drinking bit by bit.

I get up from the couch and look around, squinting my eyes because my vision is a little blurry. I started walking and realized I had way too much. I walk to the stairs, debating whether I should go up to see Jisoo or stay down here. I turn around and continue to look around. There is music playing, and it is loud enough for all of us to hear when someone yells or something. I heard someone coming down the stairs but didn't bother looking because I'm too dizzy to move much.

I don't know if I'm just good at picking it up from people or I'm a little creepy, but the moment I picked up their scent, I knew who was behind me. I turn around to see Lisa, and I am correct. She looked at me as if she was wondering if I was already drunk.

"Hey, stop," I said, knowing she'd keep walking. She did, and she scratched the back of her head as she waited for me to say something. "Am I that intimidating that you won't even look at me?" I ask, turning her head to meet my gaze. We've been classmates for years, but I've never seen her face so close. I suppose it's the same for her.

"Do you need anything?" she asks, as if when she began speaking, my gaze shifted from her eyes to her lips. I'll admit it—she has gorgeous lips. I raise my free hand to grab her shoulder, while my other hand holds the beer cup.

"Do you?" I asked back. I'm not sure if this makes sense, but my mind is too foggy to know anything. I shift my hands to the side of her neck rather than her shoulder.

She responded, "I don't." Judging by the smell of her breath, she had consumed alcohol as well, but I doubt she is any more drunk than I am.

I kept my hand where it was and touched her bottom lip with my thumb. She is attractive, and this is most likely not a drunken thought. I bite my bottom lip as I look up at her eyes, which are fixed on my face. I bring my face closer to hers and close my eyes, giving her the option to push me away or not. As if I'm anticipating something huge, I can barely detect anything around us.

When someone fucking used the microphone to speak up, she took a step back. I'm not sure what they said, but it was something about cigarettes or something. When I look up at Lisa's eyes, I notice that her focus has shifted elsewhere. Who the fuck spoke into the microphone? It's better to make their lives miserable from now on.

"Lisa!" one of our classmates says, pulling her away while mumbling about food in the kitchen... great.

I press my back against the wall for an unknown amount of time. Before I knew it, some of our classmates were lighting up their cigarettes right in the middle of the living room. I sit on the stairwell and just watch them smoke as I am still very much dizzy.

I decided to go upstairs and look for an empty room after a while. The only one I saw that was empty was probably an office and possibly a small library, as the book shelves surrounding the office were filled with various types of books. I'm sure my classmate won't be pleased if I sit in whoever's chair this is. I don't understand why I just chose to lie on the carpet instead of the couch as I move toward it. The room appears to be very tidy, so the carpet appears to be clean as well. It most likely isn't. I lay down and closed my eyes. I flutter my eyes open when I heard the door open and waited for someone to appear in my view.

"What the-" I saw Lisa flinch when she saw me laying down there, which made me chuckle a little. She hadn't expected to see anyone. "Why are you lying there?" she asks after gathering her thoughts.

"Am I not allowed to lay down?" I inquire, and she simply shuts up and stands there for a few moments. I assumed she'd go out or take the couch. She surprised me by laying down next to me. We lay in silence for a few moments before I turned to face her.

She has her eyes closed, so for the moment I just look at her face. I placed a hand on her arm so I could hold on to it. She then opened her eyes to the unexpected touch and turned to face me. The same staring as before begins again. I move in closer, and she props herself up a little, so I pull her in and close the gap between us. My eyes closed as soon as I felt her soft lips on mine. I slide my hand down her side and tug her shirt to allow her to climb on top of me. She didn't resist and placed her leg on my other side. Her arm is supporting herself as it rests next to my head, and her other hand is on my cheek as we continue to kiss.

Her soft lips make up for the roughness of the carpet against my back.

I clutch her nape as she presses herself against me. She kissed me slowly but passionately. As I felt her hand on my cheek travel down on my hip, I placed my other hand on her shoulder. I softly pushed her after a while and whispered, "breathe baby," because we'd been in the middle of it for far too long. She ignored my remark and pressed our lips together as she inhaled as if taking my scent, making me smile once more. Then the rest followed.

I woke up the next morning to find both of us naked, we could've died of hypothermia if it was winter. We're literally laying on a mere carpet.. I hope no one walked in on us though. Lisa was still sleeping, so I took advantage of the opportunity to leave first, but I also locked the door in case someone barged in while she was still naked.

"Can you be any more obvious?" Jisoo asked as I fixed my hair.

"What?" I inquired.

"That's either from a hot hot night or someone you were bitchy towards finally got their revenge," she said, pointing to my neck. Oh, the hickeys.

"Both," I said casually as I slipped on my jacket and zipped it all the way up to cover my neck.

"Have you seen Lisa? I asked my sister to pick us up, my head is about to explode from the hangover," Rosie says when she sees us.

"I haven't seen her since last night," Jisoo says, unaware that she had been with me.

"Might be somewhere there," I just said, so Rosie nodded and walked over to a door to knock. Jisoo and I walk down to the kitchen to get some coffee. Rosie probably found Lisa a few minutes later as they both walked down and out the door.

"What the actual fuck.." Jisoo said, her gaze following Lisa and Rosie.

"What?" I inquire.

"She's also tightly wrapped around her neck." She said this while pointing at Lisa, making me laugh as she put two and two together. "Wait... this is much worse than a hangover," she said, her head bowed, "you literally don't talk to each other."

I jokingly remarked, "In class, perhaps in bed we do."

"Eww, too much, too much!" she exclaimed, pretending to vomit.

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