Chapter two

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POV Tcfsv tommy

I quickly ran to the door to see who at the door I open the to see a 15 to 16 year old the Stanger quickly said "Hello Um I don't know what the fuck to say but my name is tommy my brother is Wilbur, and techno my dad is Phil you are me but in a different universe ok Move it's cold outside"
He push pasted me and sat down on the coach taking off his coat throw it on the floor I was frozen but I didn't even notice he had WINGS! I quickly back up "other me" look up and said "whats wrong with you? " I said "um ya my bad for looking at you to long " I quickly grab "other me "arm and pull him in and pulled him upstairs to my room.
I slam my door a little to hard and locked it. I am glad wilbur, phiza and, techno are out doing syndicate stuff. 
"other me" said "oi mate that fucking hurt you know" I watch as "other me" put his wings away... I say "How did you get here and why are you here" I have so much questions "other me" just look very calm and just fell into my arms before I can say anything I can feel my shoulder
Heavier I look at "other me" I then realize he had pass out I quickly grab his back and carefully put him down on my bed I just sigh and just decided to go downstairs and get some water and wait in till wilbur, techno and, phiza get home


I see the door open and see wilbur came in first the techno and phiza can in next I quickly ran to my room. I all most fell on the stairs wilbur had saw me ran upstairs so he follow me upstairs I ran in to my room I out for breath I look at "tommy" he is still asleep I was so glad he still asleep I then hear a knock on the door wilbur ask. " hey thomas are you ok" I quickly responded with "yea" I sound so scared I am Stupid Stupid I sigh then wilbur just said "Open the door thomas" I say "why" wilbur responded angrily "Open the door" I groan and just did what wilbur said because he used his dumb power I just sigh and open door to see a very unhappy wilbur. I say "hey will" Wilbur just sight and push past me and saw "tommy" who had just woken up because of the commotion Wilbur ask " who is he?" I sigh and said " he is ... my original au" wilbur just forze "tommy" look confused but just grab me and gave me a hug I sigh and gave him a hug back "tommy" said "why hellooo other wilbur" Before passing right out I look down to see in my hands...


Thx you hope you enjoy this chapter

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