Late Nights

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Kai's pov:
I make my way to my car and head out of the parking lot. On the way back to my apartment I can't help but think about how tonight could go. i'm taking her to a show that me and my bandmate are performing, i really hope she enjoys it...

I pull up to the outside of my complex and make my way up to the 3rd floor where my apartment is. the whole ride up all i can think about is amelia, how stunning she's going to look tonight. I have about 45 minutes to shower, get ready, and pick an outfit so I can head to the market to get her a small bouquet of flowers. I pulled out my phone to text her before getting into the shower.

Me: Shepherd, can't wait to see you tonight. Fyi the dress code is casual but comfy. Be there at 6:30!

Amelia<3 : Awesome! I'm so excited about tonight, ready to see this show! See you at 6:30.

I put my phone on the charger and headed to the shower... This is gonna be a great night.

Kai's pov:

I am finally ready and I can 100% feel my nerves starting to ramp up. I just don't want to mess things up, what if I read this all wrong and she just wants to be friends... I head down to the lobby of my complex and make my way to the car. I stop at the market to get her flowers and text her that I'm on my way.


Amelia's pov:

Kai<3 : I'm about 10 minutes out! See you soon!

Ahhh omg I'm so excited and nervous. I cannot wait to see them, to see their outfit, I just know they're going to look so good tonight. I grab my coat and start to do the last touches I need for tonight. I made my way out of the room and down to the hotel lobby. As I wait for the elevator I can't help but picture them, their smiles, their gorgeous hair, their bright green eyes. I step onto the elevator as I hear a noise coming from my phone...

"Hey Shepherd! I was just calling to let you know I was down in the lobby," I hear Dr. Bartley say. They sound a little nervous, it's kind of cute.

"Thank you Dr. Bartley, I'm on my way down!" I replied back. As I hang up the phone I'm left with a few seconds of wait before the doors start to part. There they are. Their perfect hair, strong green eyes, warm smile, and a bouquet of my favorite flowers, white tulips. They're so charming.

"Hello Dr. Shepherd, you look stunning as always. it is nice to see you out of a white coat." Dr. Bartley says in a flirtatious manner.

"So do you, Dr. Bartley, and there was no need for flowers but very appreciated. They're beautiful."

"Just like you." I hear from a whisper. I look up to catch their green hues meeting mine. I feel my face flush and start to turn red, I try to look down quickly but a voice interrupts.

"C'mon shepherd, let's get to the car before it gets too late." Dr. Bartley suggests as they lend out their arm for me to grab. I take it upon their gesture and we walk to their car in unison.

A/N: guys i'm so sorry for not updating in 5 ever. school has been kicking my ass... i'm tryna catch up guys!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2022 ⏰

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