Chapter 2: Parents and I

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         < You don't have to play the song >
TW: Abuse, Panic Attacks, Angst

I sent the note. I was terrified, but I did it.

I went to bed, considering how my favorite moon was out.

I went to bed, considering how my favorite moon was out

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Rylan looked at me, noticed I was looking outside. " Oh, the blood moon."

" Hm? Need something?" I asked. I zoned out. " Nothing, Steph, just go to bed. Me and Kila have to head home."

Oh, that's right, I was going to bed. " You do that."

Rylan's POV:
Not even listening. " See you tomorrow." That hurt. Whatever. I'll head home.

" Come on, Kila!" I yelled. " Coming!" We walked home, we didn't trust carriages. Not after what happened...

" We're home Dad!" Kila screamed at the top of her lungs. " Shhh!" I shushed her. " Don't wake-" Heavy footsteps. " him up." I whispered. " You've returned." Angry. It radiates off of him.

" Yes sir." Panic. Panic in my voice was obvious.

" Kila, sweetie, go to your room." His deep voice hurt. I felt sick.

I heard her footsteps go away. Please stay. I heard a door softly open and shut.

" Why did you bring Kila?" He questioned. It felt like an interrogation.

" I wanted her to... have fun." I stuttered on the last two words.

" Fun? There is no such thing!" He shouted. I felt the tears. Don't cry, don't cry. " Don't start crying! You're a Carvot! We don't cry!" His voice intensified.

" S-Sorry!" Shit.

I felt a tear run down my face.

" Pathetic!" He yelled. " You're the biggest crybaby I've ever seen!"

I'm sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sor-

I felt a hand hit my face. I fell to the ground.
He grabbed my arm.

No, no, no,no!

" Get in there!" Threw me down the stairs.

I'm in the basement. Cold and hard. Nothing to cover up or sleep on. No lights either.

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