Chapter 9: Summerbreeze

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  • Dedicated to Renew (Guild)

Summerbreeze was my second Druid, but is very different from Dance. You see, when Cataclysm came out, I wanted to make a Worgen. Mostly because of the fact that they could transform from human to worgen and back again. At first I had made a hunter - and I still play her every now and then - but I realized that being a hunter wasn't really for me, and looked into making another Druid. I didn't want another healer or boomkin though, so my only other option was feral.

The decision to play feral changed me forever. I had never really played a totally all-out-damage class, and was kind of afraid to be honest. It was a big risk - considering my whole "fear of failure and being yelled at" problem. She turned out to be one of my favorite characters.

Learning how to play her was tricky. For once, I did research on how to play a class. I looked up what glyphs to use, how I should organize my talents, what my rotation should be. I was never the best - never will be - but I hit average. I did enough damage to keep people happy, and knew what I was doing. When I started doing Looking For Raid, I was fearful that people would yell at me for my low dps. Instead, most people got yelled at for doing a mechanic wrong or forgetting something important for the fight.

Summerbreeze was my first true Raider. I joined a guild, as I did with most of my characters. I had never gotten close to any of them though, because I had never been level cap and therefore was never someone important. That changed when I hit 85 on Summer and got heroic geared. The guild started inviting me to do heroic dungeons with them, and we started gearing together. I started forming some sort of bond with them.

Eventually, I was invited to a Normal Raid.

"Oh dears."

Those were my first words after they asked me. A few problems presented themselves:

A. I had never used vent.

B. The mic was broken on our headset.

C. Even if the mic worked, do you really think I would be talking? *cough not old enough to drive cough*

D. I had never done a Normal level raid.



I asked my Dad if I could stay up and use vent so I could raid with my guild.

He actually said yes.

So I pull up vent, join the chat and hear them talking. It was the most interesting experience. Hearing all of these real people talking as they played WoW, and I was part of it. This is my guild. These are my guildmates.

The feeling was overwhelming.

So was the feeling of fear.

I felt really dumb because I had to constantly ask questions on how this fight works, where am I supposed to stand, is there anything special I need to do?

Eventually, I got so used to raiding that Saturday nights became filled with WoW and Summerbreeze. I would fly around in Uldum and do my mining runs as I waited for everyone to gather up to do the raid. The raid entrance was in Tanaris, directly next to Uldum. Therefore I could grab lots of ores while I waited not too far away.

I really miss those times.

You see, that was summer break. I could stay up late and it really wouldn't matter. Then, August swung around and suddenly all of that was gone. School was back and harder than ever. I was loaded down with homework and hardly had time for WoW. My raiding days were over.

Summer forever remains in her guild, and it surprises me she is still part of it. I assumed they would have kicked me considering I had been gone for three months, but they haven't. I will never forget them.

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