The room

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- not edited sorry-
Mia's POV

It was cold, dark. A excruciating pain over came my whole body. I couldn't move, I felt my arms squeeze tighter, like I was cuffed in hand cups. I try to scream but nothing comes out my voice is faint, and cold tears trickle down my face. Trying to move back and forth, I just cut up my wrists more, I let myself be, I just sat and cried thinking of the most worse possible situations. I made sure my clothes were still attached, but I just had no clue, no thought, I was in a state of shock.

Daniels POV

I rub my temples once more, as I scream in aggression. I run from the couch to the basement door holding back, I wipe a tear as I hear cop sirens. Looking out the window I see Mia's dad, her mom and the whole police station there checking the house. I decide to go outside when I see John.

"Hello... Guys what's up?" I walk over to the scene

"It's Mia she's... Shes..gone" her father chokes out

"I'm so exactly?" I began to ponder and question

"Your daughters missing sir?" John questions, then lifts an eyebrow to me, but I jut shrug my shoulders.

"Uhhh yes, but she left this note" Mia's dad hands me the note, I read it over feeling my stomach turn.

"Oh my....I hope you find her, I'll keep a look out" I hug Mia's parents and head back to my house when I was pulled back.

"Really weird she's missing huh?" John whispers into my ear

"Sure didn't one of your guys didn't get ahold of her?" I question but smirk

"No! My property she is, not yours, where is she??"John asks

"Dunno, looks like someone else got to her before us" I smirk walking off

Walking back into the house, I grab clothes, water, and chips and head down the basement. Stopping at the cellar, I try to relax and walk into the dark room.

"I'm sorry" I spat out my voice cracks revealing tears

*no response*

"Mia please you'll understand later"

*no response*

Setting the items down, I grab a lamp plug it in revealing Mia passed out, looking pale. Un cuffing her I carry her to the wash room and wipe her down. I pull a bed into the cellar, with some clothes, setting her into bed I leave the food and water next to her, cradling her face I get up shutting the light and locking the door. With all my might *slam* into the wall all my frustration went into the innocent wall if only she could truly understand why. I scream and scream but I'm guilty I feel like a bad man, why though? Aren't I helping her?

*Mias POV*
My head still pounds but I feel soft,and free. Moving my sore hands, I am wrapped into a soft blanket. Walking around the cold dark room my feet patter across the floor crashing into a light. Grabbing the lights switch to turn on, a bright light making the room light up. Looking around I hold my mouth, looking at all the handcuffs around, and rope, scratch marks are appeared on the wall. Finally I shriek a loud horror screams, like the movies and I was definitely heard. Before you know the room shook, and the huge silver door was being unlocked and turned open.

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