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Making mistakes and learning is the way to progress forward.

I always plan and write a to do list and half way through the execution somehow, I never keep track of the list. Accepting the fact that I have not completed the list is negativity I can't digest. I always wanted to successfully complete my to do list but that never happens.

Recently I saw a you tube video, these words resonated with me a lot , "having an imperfect planner is better than having it blank". I don't see the half-filled glass but my concentration has always been in the half empty glass.

It occurred to me that there is another way of writing the title and I went for it, changed it 5 more times to get it better than my first design. The end result made me smile. It felt good to move forward from a half empty glass viewpoint.

I learnt that I was afraid of making mistakes and being criticized for not so perfect work that I was ok to be stagnant. I was happy to do my usual routine with no interest in any other activity. Do the same stuff again and again like a robot. When I started to lose sleep , I knew not trying new things was creating a hole in my heart. A void that weighs so much I can't breathe.

My planner needs to be simple, small steps as to what you really want to do daily than going for yearly resolutions. That's why I created a Self Care Planner, with the intent of working out the to-do list, keeping focus on one day at a time. I have sample of my planner attached to this chapter. If you are interested, I can share you the pdf file or just write down the headings in your journal  and start off .

Missing a thing or two is fine but slowly try to fulfil all the items in the list. It will be work in progress, but you need to be ok with it. That mindset will help you to move forward. Small wins to cheer your day and motivate you for the next day's list.

Without a plan, it's walking with closed eyes. Too much of a plan is burdensome to move forward. Let's plan it in between to adjust for the ad hoc scenarios , evolve as we learn from our mistakes. Our goal is one step at a time to take that initiative, to iterate as many times as we need to, to get to make the journey of exploration. 

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