Happy 25th Birthday, Riki!

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The date was November 5th, 2022. Let's see what's happening in Negi Root City today at the d'Aglior residence. Bella the Siberian Husky jumped up on Ciel and Soleil's bed, waking the DuBlois twins up.

Soleil: Morning, Bella. You must be hungry, huh?

Bella panted. Suddenly, the computer started beeping, making her howl.

Ciel: This makes me giggle everytime.

They got up. Soleil answered the Zoom message. Riki Pilkvist (Gothic Purple) was there on the screen.

Soleil: Oh hi, Riki.

Gothic Purple: Good morning. Where's your brother?

Ciel: I'm right here.

Gothic Purple: Hello. I just wanted to let you two know that today is my birthday.

Soleil: Happy birthday.

Gothic Purple: Thank you. I'm a quarter of a century old now.

Ciel: Wow...

Gothic Purple: And I'm also the only Project DIVA Extend module that doesn't have a lover.

Soleil: What's your sexuality, if you don't mind me asking?

Gothic Purple: Honestly, I'm bisexual. But I know I'm not getting a guy anytime soon, because almost all of them are taken.

Ciel: Well, I hope Otome will help you with that.

Gothic Purple: Me too.

Soleil: There have been Mikucolle modules coming in everyday though. Maybe you can get a man after all.

Gothic Purple: Maybe. Well, I should get going and find Otome at the Lunar Home.

Ciel: Okay. Good luck.

Gothic Purple: Thank you.

And so, Riki signed off from Zoom.

And that's it for this birthday one-shot. Happy birthday, Gothic Purple. I'll see you guys in another story!

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