Chapter 2

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Olivia - Mommy can I have apple Juice

Fatima - yes baby bella what you wanna dink

Isabella - Milk will be fine *puts her head on the dining room table*

Fatima - Okay

(they eat and head out to take Olivia to daycare)

Kyrie - daddy can I have your Phone

Zac - here * gives him his Phone and goes back typing on his laptop*

Kryle - thank you bae

Zac - boy what did you just call me  *laughing*

Kyrie - I called you bae .

Zac - Who told you to start saying that?

Kyrie - no one I hear momy say it all the time to you so I want to say it to you know

Zac - Okay Ky Ky *still laughing*

Kyrie - What is funny

Zac - only mommy can call me that you call me daddy or dad Okay

Kryie - Okay daddy * Starts watching Paw patrol*

Fatima takes Olivia into the daycare

Ms. Snead - Good morning Mrs. Taylor how are you doing this morning

Fatima - I'm doing good how are you

Ms.Snead - I'm doing good just tired you know

Fatima - I feel you trust me rasing a 3, 5 and 2 year old not easy Child

Ms Snead - Yea and how are you doing this morning Olivia

Olivia- I am doing fine. Mommy Can I go to Ms. Lisa She is right there  *Pointing*

Fatima - Sure go ahead I Love You and be nice okay

Olivia - Okay Mommy I Love You*runs to Ms. lisa*

Fatima - um here is her lunch and Sleeping mat I actually have my oldest daught in the car she not feeling well so gotta take her to the doctor

Ms. Snead - aww hope She feels better thats the 5 year old rii

Fatima - yep, yea and olivia's asthma Pump is in her back Pack Pls don't let her play with It I just refilled it

Ms. Snead - I won't don't worry

Fatima - thank you - BYE OLIVIA I LOVE YOU - * blow Kiss *

Olivia - Mommy it's see you later not bye *giggles and Blow Kiss back*

Fatima get in the car and Drives to the emergency room

Fatima - bella baby get up we at the doctor

Isabella - okay * Sleepy Vioce*

Fatima - how are you feeling? * asking her walking to the door *

Isabella - my head hurts and I keep feeling Like I'm gonna throw up but it won't come

Fatima - Okay, bella When we get in here tell the doctor what you said okay

Isabella - yes mom

in the doctor office

Ms. Bush - what Can I help you this morning

Fatima- I made an appointment for labella Taylor

Ms. Bush - can I have your full name and your Pin Pls.

Fatima - Fatima Nicole Taylor and my Pin is 11300

Ms. Bush - You can have a seat in the waiting room for the doctor She will be out for you shortly

Fatima - Okay thank you

fatima and Isabella is in the Waiting room Isabella is on her Ipad and Fatima is on her Phone until She gets a call from Zac

Fatima - Hey babe

Zac - hey T, What going on did any news Come yet

Fatima- No not yet they just put us in a waiting room

Zac - Okay where is bella

Fatima - right here on her Ipad

Zac - Let me talk to her

Isabella - yes dad

Zac- hey babygirl how you feeling

Isabella - I feel a little bette just having headache's and feel like throwing up but nothing won't come

Zac - aww hope you feel okay baby girl, how about when I get off work you me mommy Kyky and liv go get some Ice Cream

Isabella - yayyyy Ice Cream

Fatima - *Laughs*

Zac- give the Phone back to your mon

Fatima - yes babe

Zac- babe I gotta tell you what Kyrie Called me

Fatima - What did he call you

Zac - he called me bae * Laughing*

Fatima - What!?! * Laughing*

Zac - yea then I ask him who told him to Call me that he talking about - no one I hear mommy Say It all the time so I wanted to call you that -* Laughing*

Fatima - OMG I do call you that all the time when I'm around him LOL

Doctor - Isabella Taylor!!

Fatima - babe the doctor called for bella I'm gonna call you back when we get outta here bella tell dady bye

Isabella- See You later dad

Zac- See you later baby girl hope you feel better, tima Keep Be Posted

Fatima - Okay babe Love you

Zac - Love you to

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