the prologue

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"get out of this house and don't ever- and I mean EVER come back."

"b-but mom-"

"I am not and will never be your mother"


it was late and she was walking down the street from a small convenient store

the poor little girl was kicked out of her own house by her alcoholic mother and she didn't even have a chance to pack her stuff

her legs were in pain from the walking
her head was pounding from the crying and exhaustion
her head was filled with hundreds of questions and what ifs

'what if dad was here'

'Why did he have to ditch us'

'Why didn't he take me with him'

'what if mom never drank'

'what if my family was happy'

'What if mom never abused me'

she thought she was going mental with the thought of her family being normal, her family wasn't and she knew that, she knew that extremely well, her family was a mess ever since she was alive, her parents always fought when her dad was there, he always came home late, and mom was always aware that he'd been cheating, once she turned 7 years old that's when it all became worse, her mom started hitting her, her dad left, her mom started taking drugs, she started slitting her arms and legs, she started fighting with her classmates, and she started being depressed

and now she's just sitting on the side walk, wishing she was never alive, she was alone, again, her friends left her, her brother left her, her sister left her to go to collage, even her dad, and now her mom left her on the streets alone, she only just turned thirteen three months ago, a fresh teen and she's now going to be living on the streets, or so she thought.

she was just sitting there rethinking her life until a man in his early twenties came up to her and kneeled before her

"Hey kid, whats your name?"

The stranger asked looking at her gently, as if she was gonna break any second, and she was, she was on the verge of tears

"my dad's with another women in another country and my mom is drunk, so drunk that she kicked me out, so don't even bother taking me back home cause she'll only threaten me to get the fuck out"

she didn't care anymore, she was homeless with barely any money to buy a full course meal, she was stuck

"i didnt ask where your parents are, i can already guess what happened because a kid like you in a street like this at two in the morning is not likely to happen everyday, i asked what your name was"

he stated gently, he was being so nice to her, and she was slightly surprised by the fact

"Sakura" she says looking away from his brown orbs

"Sakura...." He asked for her surname

"hui.." she answered playing with her fingers

she was trying so hard not to ball her eyes out in front of a stranger

"Im guessing you're around 12 or 13?"

she just nodded, she was honestly scared of what was gong to happen and it so obviously showed

"my names han jisung, I'm not trying to hurt you, I wanna help you"

his voice was so delicate and soft, it calmed her intrusive thoughts

"come with me, I'll take you to my house"

Standing up he held out a hand for her and she hesitantly takes his hand and follows him to supposedly his tesla, once they both get in he starts driving out the dark street into the city

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