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10 November 2018

While Henry was in Hungary to film his newest show, The Witcher, Tori was getting herself ready for this year's Royal British Legion Festival of Remembrance at Royal Albert Hall.

Wearing her poppy pin proudly on her black tweed dress, Tori left her hand curled and down for tonights festivities.

Tori sat alone in her car, as they made their way to Royal Albert Hall. When she arrived, the crowds cheered loudly as she waved and smiled.

She greeted the organisers before being ushered inside and into the royal box towards her seat. Tori then greeted whoever was there already such as the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, Duke of Kent, Prince Michael of Kent, Andrew, Edward, Sophie, Anne and Timothy.

Next to arrive was Harry and Meghan, followed by William and Catherine, Charles and Camilla. Last to arrive was the Queen.

Tori was seated right behind the Queen next to Edward at the middle portion. As the lights dimmed, they took their seats and watched the show. Knowing that Tori would be teary eyed, there was a box of tissues underneath her seat where she could reach down and take some if she needed to.

Opening the festival was the combined bands of Her Majesty's armed forces followed by a performance from Sir Tom Jones and the RAF Squadronaires where they played Coming in on a wing and a prayer.

A short video of the RAF 100th anniversary was then played on the screen before the next performance.

Tom Fletcher, Danny Jones and the Central Band of the RAF then performed Born to Fly. During the performance, the torch of remembrance was brought in, accompanied by current RAF personnels and representatives of those who served during the second world war, alongside the citation reader.

Next to enter the stage were the Chelsea Pensioners, followed by a video played highlighting the work of the Royal Army Medical Corp, something that Tori hold close to her heart as she served active duty with the RAMC.

Next was a video tribute followed by the entrance of bereaved families who have lost their loved ones in active service. Tori swiftly wiped her eyes from tears as she clapped for the families. This was followed by a performance by Sheridan Smith singing Are you just sleeping.

More video tributes were showcased, highlighting various parts of the armed forces that the public generally looked over followed by another performance by Sir Tom Jones and Sir Bryn Terfel.

When the trumpet blew that familiar tune that Tori have heard for most of her life, tears she couldn't hold back started rolling down her face. She quickly brushed them with tissue but kept it in hand.

A minute of silence was observed after while poppies float down from the ceiling. Tori kept her hand joined in front of her with her head down as she remembers her peers that didn't make it, those who she knew and have lost, those who have lost family members to war.

The night ended with God Save The Queen and three cheers from the parade, they were able to leave their seats and head home. As they were walking out towards the car, Sophie rubbed Tori's back knowing how the weekend affect her.

With a smile to each other and kisses on the cheeks, one by one, the royal family left to their homes, meeting again early the next day for Remembrance Sunday.

11 November 2018

Putting on her RAMC dress uniform that morning, Tori felt heavier than normal, as she would before Remembrance Sunday.

She could hear the silence in the air as the nation grieves those they have lost. She made her way to the Cenotaph where she would lay her wreath after her brothers that cold morning.

They were led out by Charles together with the President of Germany, followed by the Duke of Kent, Prince Michael of Kent, Anne, Edward, William, Harry, Tori and Andrew. They were walking towards their positions with the Duke of Kent, Prince Michael of Kent, Anne and Edward on the left, William, Harry Tori and Andrew on the right.

They observed the two minute silence when they hear Big Ben's clock bells ringing. The guns of the King's Troop signals the end of the silence.

Charles laid the Queen's wreath first, followed by the German President. A wreath is then laid on behalf of the Duke of Edinburgh followed by a wreath from Charles, this time from himself.

It was then their turn, together, William, Harry, Tori and Andrew received their wreaths and marched up to lay them on the steps. They saluted before returning to their spots.

They were then followed by Andrew, Anne, the Duke of Kent and Prince Michael of Kent, who laid their wreaths on the steps.

It was then the politicians turn to lay their wreaths, led by Prime Minister Theresa May followed by representatives of countries who served during the war, the ambassador of Ireland and the service chiefs.

As the wreath laying comes to an end, the Bishop of London, Dame Sarah Mullally, will begin the service.

God Save the Queen was played at the end of the service, once it was done playing, Tori and the family gave one last salute before making their way inside led by Charles.

After, Tori made her way home for a short nap before preparing herself for the service at Westminster Abbey. For that, she wore a dark green coat with a headband like fascinator.

For the service tonight, many of the members went to multiple places to attend, with Andrew attending the service at St Anne's Cathedral in Belfast while Anne and Timothy attending the service at Glasgow Cathedral.

Tori arrived after Harry and Meghan and greeted members of the Church as well as the Prime Minister, her hair loose behind her, set in waves after the bun this morning.

Shortly after, William and Catherine arrived at the Abbey. After greeting those who needed to be greeted, Tori greeted her brothers and sisters-in-law before they were ushered down to their seats.

Tori today, was seated next to Meghan, right behind Camilla. They stood up as the Queen made her way down the abbey and the service begins.

Once the service was over, they made their way down the abbey, led by the Queen and the German President, followed by Charles and Camilla, William and Catherine, Harry and Meghan, Tori, Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, Duke of Kent, and Prince Michael of Kent. 

Tori said her goodbyes before heading straight home and cuddling her children as she waits for Henry's call. She missed her husband and wished he was here with her, but she knew he had his job and she would never take it away from Henry as it was something that Henry has worked very hard for. 

That night, Tori fell asleep on the phone with Henry, emotionally tired of the day. 

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