Two - Falling Out

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Two parts in one day? Wow.

Enjoy and let me know what you like and what you want to see more of 🌺

***PART TWO***

"Have you heard from Sam or Dean y/n? Mainly Dean?"

You heard Elaina call from her bedroom around the corner from yours you peeked out in the hallway at her

"No I haven't why?"

You replied a little confused to why she would ask you

"Just wondering. It's been over a week and I really thought Dean was interested"

She said as she went back to getting ready to go out for the night you felt like staying in. You thought about Dean every day, you missed him and you barley knew the man.

"No I haven't heard from him or Sam I'm sure they've been busy"

"Well maybe they'll have a hunt or need help with something soon"

Just as she said that you heard your phone ringing on your desk next to your lap top and exchanged odd looks with each other. You walked back to your room to see Dean's name on your phone and you felt your hands go numb

"Why the hell isn't he calling me?"

She whined as her shoulders dropped

"I guess we'll find out"

Elaina crossed her arms and you smiled shaking your head you answered and put it on speaker


"Hey y/n it's Dean"

"How are you Winchester?"

"I'm doing alright, I just need some help. You said you read and spoke enochian right?"

"Fluently my friend"

He chuckled and you smiled hearing him laugh

"Can you meet me in Lawrence by the sign? I'll take you to the bunker from there, it's a little hard to find the first time but sam and I have a few books we need translated"

Elaina looked mortified, for some reason he didn't even ask about her and you knew she wasn't used to any kind of rejection at all

"Sure I'll start that way in the morning"

"Sounds good. Tell Elaina we said hello"

He said before hanging up and she scoffed

"Hello? That's all I get? Okay he has to have a girlfriend or something"

She said before going back to her room you just shook your head dismissing her and started to pack for the morning. You could barley sleep, you really just wanted to see him already. You almost debated on telling Elaina how you felt about Dean but you thought it would be best to keep it to yourself. You had never been in a situation where you both liked a man and obviously he was seeing someone else or just flat out not interested.

"Hey good morning, how was your night?"

You asked as she came into the kitchen you poured her a mug of coffee as she sat down holding her head.

"It was alright, just not drinking for a while I'm tired of being hungover"

She said as she gave you this weak smile

"What else is going on? Something's up with you?"

You furrowed your brows sitting across from the blonde

"I drunk called Dean last night and asked him why he hasn't texted or called me"

Of corse she did


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