One - Fire and Whisky

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Hello all! It's Kayla again! It's been a while but now I solely own this profile. Yay! Here is the latest works of y/n and Dean with new characters and old.

I proofread but I know my grammar isn't perfect. Enjoy 😗

Music suggestion: What a Time by Julia Michaels ft. Niall Horan (I know but I love this song)


***PART ONE***

You had always been a risk taker but now you've found yourself in a burning building and no way out...

You and best friend Elaina had been hunting together for 6 years now. You had got split up on this demon hunt and now you were stuck up on the rafters lost in a maze as the flames below you began to grow..

Your heart was pounding and the air was getting thick..

You were running as the supports for one of the rafters started to fall you had to stop, if you took another step who knows what was going to happen.


You heard a strong male voice call to you. You glanced over at the staircase you were trying to get over to, seeing an older man come up into view and he was gorgeous. You'll never forget seeing him for the first time and it making your head swirl with feelings you've never had before, even during a damn fire.

"Wait wait wait! This ones about to go down!"

You warned as you held your hand up. He stopped about 5 feet from you as you felt the rafters shift under you again slightly your chest burning with adrenaline

"Come forward slowly"

He said in a calm voice which helped you keep calm in return. You carefully took a step forward and one of the walkways supports just fell out causing the whole thing to tilt down and back you whimpered to yourself grabbing on to the railing for dear life. You had tears in your eyes at this point. This wasn't good and for the first time in a while you were sincerely scared..

"Hey, hey, look at me, you have to keep coming to me, because this is just going to get worse. Come on, I'll grab you the second I can. You have to trust me"'

His voice was calm but stern, you normally didn't trust so easily but he made you feel like you could trust him for some reason. You made your way forward another step and there was only a few feet between you and the stranger

"Grab my hand, come on honey"

He encouraged as he anchored himself on the railing you reached out slowly going forward when you heard and felt the whole god damned walkway start to go out.

"I can't, I can't!"

You cried out as you held on to the railing, you were terrified of heights. All you could think about is you may live through the fall and then burn alive... 

"You got this come on, I need you to work with me I'll catch you just grab my hand"

You finally lunged grabbing his hand you firmly locked fingers together before he yanked you to him as hard as he could. You landed in his arms on his chest as he fell to his back you looked down at him and locked eyes for just a second

Damn those are green..

You hurriedly stood up and grabbing each other to make a run for it. Both of you ran down the rest of the walkway and the stairs making a safe exit..

He held your hand the whole time making sure you were right beside him..

You got outside and ran a safe distance from the burning building. Letting go of each other as you were  trying to catch your breath the cool night air helped clear your lungs.

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