Chapter 1

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In Andy's Room

Andy was playing with his toys until his mom walks into the room. "Andy, what do you say about getting a new toy?" She asks him making Andy look at her with a smile. "Really?" Andy asks her while putting his toys down. "Yeah, why not." She said to him making Andy follow his mom out of the room to get a new toy. When the door closes, the toys come alive and a cowboy toy runs over to the window to see the blue van drive away. "A new toy, is she serious?" The cowboy said to himself his name is Woody the leader of Andy's toy. A green toy soldier walks over to Woody. "Keep an eye out for the van, Sarge." Woody said to him. "Yes, sir." The soldier said to him as Woody walks away. "Did you hear that? We are getting a new toy." Slinky said to Hamm and Rex. "I hope it's another dinosaur." Rex said with excitement. "Or other Potato." Mr. Potato said to them while he walks over to them. "If Andy can find a female Potato." Hamm said to him while Woody walks over to the others. "Okay, guys when the new toy arrives let's give them a nice big Andy's room welcome." Woody said to them with a smile. "Whatever you say." Hamm said to him then Woody walks over to Bo who was with her sheep. "Do you believe in love at first sight? Do you want I should walk by again?" Woody asks her making Bo look at him. "Don't flatter yourself cowboy." Bo said to him with a smile then she walks away from him with her sheep following her. 


At Al's Toy Barn

Before the store opens, a cowgirl was in a toy car going around making sure everything was in place and her name was Jamey. Jamey sees a Barbie doll still out and around. "Barbie." Jamey calls her making the doll look at her. "Hey, cowgirl." She said with a big smile. "Barbie, the store is about to open, and if they find out there..." Jamey said to her then the Barbie cuts her off. "I understand." She said and she starts walking away. "Okay..." Jamey said to herself as she hears a motorcycle coming her way. Jamey turns and she sees her friend Jesse and her cat Sox stop in front of her. "Everything is in order, partner." Jesse said to her with a smile. "Be-boop, be-boop, be-boop, be-boop." Sox said to them while jumping. Sox is a yellow-furred tabby cat, with a white belly, green eyes, and a blue collar with a name tag and his name written on it. "That's great to hear now let's go before..." Jamey said then the three hear the front door open. "Let's go." Jesse said to her and the two girls starts their vehicles. "We have few minutes before the human realizes that we are not in our boxes." Sox said to them as the girls drive into their hallway. "Thanks for the heads up, Sox." Jesse said to him as she stops the bike where their box was while Jamey was already climbing the selves to get to hers. Jesse and Sox get into their box so in time as the store owner walks down the hallway. Jesse and Sox froze in their place as Jamey did in her box, the owner turns on the lights and he gets ready to open the store.


In Andy's Room

"Sarge, any sign of the van?" Woody calls from across Andy's room. The toy soldier look out the window but there was no sight of the blue van. "Negative, Sheriff!" He yelled back at him. "Well, they shouldn't be much longer." Woody said to himself. "What if the new toy replaces me?" Rex asks Slinky and Hamm making Woody look over at them. "Hey, hey!" Woody said as he runs over to them. "Nobody's going to get replaced. It'll just be a new addition to the family, that all." Woody said to them. "Red alert! Andy's back! Back to your stations!" Sarge yelled at the toys. "Let's go, everyone! Get back to your position!" Woody orders his gang, as the group furiously scrambled around the room, either delicately placing themselves where Andy had left them or plopping down onto their sides. "Oh, boy!" The toys hear Andy cheering as he got out of the van. "Calm down, honey." Andy's mom said to him while laughing as she takes Andy's sister Molly out of the vehicle. "Hurry and take your toys upstairs, then come tight down for dinner." Andy's mom said to him making Andy smile. "Okay, mom!" Andy calls out then he runs over to the door. 

After a few seconds, Andy burst into his room and he two boxes on the bed. Woody lay still while the other toys try to take a quick peek out the toy box. Andy opens the boxes of his new toys but the other toys can't see what it was he was looking at. "Andy! It's time for dinner, you can play later!" Andy's mom calls him from downstairs. "Coming, mom!" Andy yelled then he places the toys back into the box before dashing out of his room and he closes the door behind him.

When the toys can't hear Andy's footsteps anymore, they start moving again. Woody walks over to the two boxes that was left on the bed as the other toys leave the toy box. Woody looks at the boxes with the toys waiting for something to happen. Suddenly, yellow jumps out and tackle Woody to the bed making Woody scream making the other toys jump. "Hello." Woody hears someone making him open his eyes to see Sox on him. "I am Sox. An personal companion robot." Sox said to him. "Hello." Woody said to him. "Sox, where did you go?" Woody hears a new voice making him look over at the box to Jesse and Jamey jumping out of the box. "I'm over here. Be-boop, be-boop, be-boop, be-boop." Sox said as he jumps off Woody and he walks over to Jesse and jump onto her shoulder. "So, what's your name, partner?" Jamey asks Woody who stands up. "My name is Woody and what's your guys names?" Woody asks them. "Jesse and the cat on my shoulders is Sox." Jesse said to him with a smile. "Hello Woody." Sox said to him. "And my name is Jamey." Jamey said to him making Woody nod a little. "Well, welcome to Andy's room." Woody said to them while gesturing to the area around them. "Nice place." Jamey said to him. "Woody!" Slinky yelled as the others climbed onto the bed. "What's going on?" Mr. Potato Head asks while Sox, Jamey and Jesse turn to see more toys. "Everyone, this is Jesse, Jamey and Sox." Woody said to every toy on the bed. 

"Hey." Jesse said to them.

"Hello, I'm Sox." Sox said to them. 

"Howdy." Jamey said to them.

The toys start to bombard the three with questions. "Guys, that's enough." Woody said to them motioning for the toys to stop. "I think we need to just give them some space to become accustomed to the room, sound good?" Woody asks them making the toys nod. "Sounds like a plan." Jesse said to Woody.  

"Mom, I'm done. I am going upstairs!" The toys hear Andy from downstairs. "Okay." The mom said to him then the toys hear footsteps thundering up the stair. "Andy's coming!" Humm yelled then the toys hustled to their place but Jesse, Jamey, Sox and Woody. "I will talk to you guys later." Woody said to the three and he runs away to his place. Jamey, Jesse and Sox jump back into their boxes.  


A Week Later

The three new toys were getting along with the Andy's toys. 

One day, Sox was playing Checkers with Slinky while Jamey and Jesse were talking with Bo Peep. "How are you girls holding up?" Bo Peep asks them. "Well, being a toy is definitely going well." Jamey said to her with a smile. "I can see that you made a special place in Andy's heart." Bo Beep said to them, then Jesse starts talking to Bo while Jamey walks away to look out the window to see Andy outside with his mom and little sister.

"How are you doing?" Jamey hears Woody making her turn as Woody walks over to her. "I'm good. It feels good to have a purpose for a kid." Jamey said to him as Woody leans on the wall. "I know, it's important to have a kid." Woody said to her. "What happens when that kid doesn't need us anymore?" Jamey asks him. "We will cross that line when we get to that point but for now enjoy the time you have." Woody said to her with a smile. "I guess I will." Jamey said to him with a smile then the two start talking more.

Jesse was now with Hamm and Mr. Potato Head sitting on the table talking about what did Jesse and Jamey do in the toy store. "So, you and Jamey were keeping everything in order of the store?" Hamm asks her. "No, we made sure that everyone was in their places before the store opens the next day." Jesse said to him while Sox walks over to them once he was done playing his game. "Was it fun ordering around other toys?" Mr. Potato Head asks her making Jesse nod no. "No, I and Jamey only made sure that the toys were back into their places, they can do what they want at night and when the store was closed for some of the days." Jesse said to the two. "And they did a very good job at it be-boop, be-boop." Sox said to them. "Maybe you two can talk to Woody about taking a chill pill." Mr. Potato Head said to the two. "Well, I think he is doing fine." Jesse said to them. "Until something goes wrong and he will lost his mind." Hamm said to her making Jesse look at Woody. "We will see." Jesse said to herself.

The toys had no idea that at Andy's birthday party, things were going to change.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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