Cons on Having a Step-Boy/Girlfriend

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Nice title there, Madyson. Step-boyfriend? I'm pretty sure that isn't a word!

Oh, sorry! Writing to myself!

(See what I did there? Writing instead's

I'll shut up.)

Yes, my parents are divorced. I might get to that another chapter if you guys want. But my mom has a boyfriend.

And you might just hate him cause he's a three-time ex-convict, choked your older sister, has porn posters in your mother's and his room, has a photo of a girl that's not your mom in her underwear in his phone and on his shirt he wears regularly (different girls, might I add), has a colored mohawk, and is 20 while your mom's 40. Chris Southard, looking at you. (He doesn't have a middle name for any ax-murderers out there)
Sorry had to get that off my chest.

(Seriously though, the ax-murderer thing I WILL PAY-)

MOVING ON! Anyways you might not like him. Or her. I don't know, but you most likely don't like them. This is natural. You don't HAVE to like them. But it is your parents love life, not yours. And you have to at least TRY to like 'em. But if your life is being seriously affected in bad ways do not hesitate to tell your parent. Seriously though, if any of the above things apply to your step-boy/girlfriend they are a serious WHO---

MOVING ON! Yeah. So, a new person is going to be a big change. For bad or good. Don't hesitate to take action, though, if your parent seems to be changing for the worst. There are three things you can do.

1. Talk to your parent, and possibly your step-boy/girlfriend.

2. Talk to family members, and see if they see the same things. If they do, ask them for advice.

3. Flee to the other parent. This is the one I chose. I don't recommend doing this unless you have tried the above. However, if you do happen to do what I did, I will not be a hypocrite and reprimand that.

Comment your thoughts! I love reading comments, and I love feedback. It may sound corny, but I do. Do you have a step-boy/girlfriend? Do you hate them too?


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