Chapter One

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"What's the time?" the person next to me scream to be heard over the music. Turning to face the person, only to see him looking down on a watch. At first it annoyed me that he asked me what the time was when he had a watch to look at but then I noticed that the watch was on another person's arm. The person that the arm belonged to is laying on the couch, passed out cold. In the other hand of the person on the couch was a beer bottle that still had half of its contents inside. Something made me moved towards the person on the couch and took the bottle out of his hand. There was no chance to drink the beer when the person that shouted grabbed the bottle out of my hand. "What do you think you're doing?" The person ignored me as he chugs down the beer. In anger I grabbed the bottle out of his grasp and quickly down the last of the beer, not caring that he drank from the bottle first. "Why are you like this?" my voice is a bit harsh and the person's eyes widen in fear. Stepping back from him in confusion, he continues to look as though I am about to end his life. It makes my heart sink to my stomach that his reaction is so drastic especially when the only think I did to him was grabbed the beer out of his hand.

"What?" my voice is drowned out by the music and the person in front of me moves further onto the make-shift dance floor, disappearing from my sight. Wanting to follow this person but I am stopped by a group of people joining the people that are already on the dance floor. It was useless trying to follow the person but it didn't stop me from scanning the room but I didn't see him anywhere. Though my eyes automatically found leaning against the wall next to the back door of the house. His dark skin looked darker in the dim light which, at first, makes me doubt if it is really him but then we make eye contact and I just know it's him. He nods his head in greeting and I automatically return the nod. His focus is taken away by a girl in a short skirt. She leans on him and he does nothing to push her away. I didn't like what I was seeing. It made me want to rip her away from him but I knew that I was too much of a coward to do that. Though that feeling didn't stop me from moving and I didn't realise I have moved towards them until I was standing right in front of them. Darren frowned at me and I knew that I screwed up at that moment. By the frown on his face, I can tell that he was not happy.

"Uh... Hi," it was the only thing that my brain could come up with and Darren just stares at me with his eyebrow raised. Heat raised to my cheeks and I looked down to the floor. The girl next to him laughs and I clench my hands into a fist. I wanted to ask he what was so funny but the embarrassment alone made me walk out of the door next to Darren. Darren doesn't follow me and it hurts that he doesn't care about him as much as I care for him. How can he do that to me? Was our relationship that unimportant to him that he can just flirt with anyone that walks up to him. The urge to turn around and walk right back into the house to give Darren a piece of my mind is strong but the coward side of me stops me from turning. The coward part of me don't want to see what they were doing or if he truly thinks nothing of me. My mind goes over the last minutes countless of times until I made up my mind to turned around. The window on the door shows what is happening inside the house and my heart seem to beat even faster than before. The sight of them kissing told me what I needed to know. Darren doesn't care about me. Darren does what he wants. Darren made it clear that our relationship means nothing to him. "Oh..., it's you," the voice sounds familiar. Turning around I come face to face with the person I interacted with earlier. His eyes were red as he was slurring his words, it told me that this man was drunk. This person was staring at the fire with a beer bottle between his hands. His facial expression looks serious as though he has a lot on his mind. For a moment the urge to get away from him seemed to be the only emotion that seemed to linger but he turned towards me leaving me with no option but to stay. Making my mind up I sat next to him and he hands me his open beer. Looking at it I could see that he hadn't drank any of it. I took a sip of the beer as I turned towards him, "What was up with you earlier?" he nodded his head at the question as he turned his head back to the fire. "You are one of Darren's boys," it's not a question but a fact that he spouts out. I nodded my head and shrugged. "So what?" He doesn't answer my question and to be honest I didn't expect him to either. "Darren's boys do whatever he wants." I nodded my head unsure where this person was going with this. "it's not worth it," he looked at me as he said this and something in me shivers at the look in his eyes.

"I don't really know what you mean?' my voice isn't as steady as I hoped it would be. The person let out a laugh, I cringed at the sound. It sounded as though he didn't believe me. "Lister, the only thing about Darren's boys is that he doesn't care about them. Darren uses them till they have nothing left. Ek, was one of them. So, I know." He let out a sigh as he got up. "He is not worth your energy believe me." he walked away from me not turning back. I wanted to brush off what he said as a drunken man lost in his memories. He doesn't look my age and by the way his face is wrinkled I can tell that his way older than the people that is here. If I had to guess, and usually my guessing is wrong, I would say that his in his late thirties. Which doesn't make sense since Darren has recently turned eighteen. How could that person know about Darren, if Darren is so young? I watched as he walks through the back door into the house and then Darren came out with the same girl. I could not take my eyes off of them as they moved to the far corner of the yard. They disappeared in the dark which made it hard to see them. I sighed while taking my phone out of my jean pocked. Searching for Darren's contact, my finger hovered over the message icon as I contemplated if this is a good idea or not. I eventual touched it and typed out a message. I do not hesitate as I send it. I took one last look over in the corner of the yard and then shake my head, trying to get rid of the images that I have created in my head about Darren and the girl in the short skirt.


looked at me as I came out of the house. His eyes are red and it looked as though his ready to fall over any second. His entire face brightened up as he saw me and I could not help but to smile back. Matthew threw himself at me and I almost lost my balance but the fence stopped us from falling.

"It's almost twelve o'clock!" his excitement almost got me laughing but then I realised what the time was. I stared at Matthew and he continued to stare at me, then his eyes enlarged. "Shit!" he swore and I nodded at what he said.

"I have to go; I don't want to be locked out of the house especially in this type of weather." Matthew frowned at what I said but I can see that he didn't really want me to leave, especially with the way that he gripped to my arm. Matthew has been my best friend since I started living with Mrs Brown. I was eleven when both my parents died and since my parents (that died) adopted me, my adopted parents' family didn't want me. I was put into foster care ever since. It was something that I needed to get use to quickly but luckily, I met Matthew. We immediately became best friend and unseparated since then. I don't think I would have survive being at Mrs Brown's house if it wasn't for him.

"I can walk withyou," Matthew offered and I could see that he means it but I don't want him tomiss out on the fun. After all it is his birthday and this party was meant forhim. I laughed as I shake my head no. "You sure?" I heard the uncertainty inhis voice and I saw that his really worried about me. "Nah, I'm sure. Don'tworry about me." I said to him. Then raising my hand in goodbye, I walked outto the street.

Author's note

Thank you for reading this chapter. Let me know what you think. If you see any errors please let me know in the comments.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2022 ⏰

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