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"Lydia. Lydia can you hear me? Open your eyes honey. Please" I faintly heard a masculine voice. I felt my eyes flutter open but immediately closed them once they met with light. After a moment I opened them and everything seemed to adjust from a blurry state.

"J-Jordan?" I croaked out. My voice felt hoarse and dry.

"Yeah, Lydia. It's me" he said and grabbed my hand.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"You're in the hospital" he said. What? Why? What's going on?!

"Oh" I said awkwardly.

"You don't remember do you?" He asked me.

"Um remember what?"

"You fainted at the restaurant when you saw your ex husband with his fiancé. You hit your head pretty hard and the doctor said you have a concussion" Jordan said.

"I don't remember going to a restaurant. What husband? I don't have husband" I said alarmed.

"I know you don't. I said your ex husband."

"I don't have an ex husband, Jordan. What are you talking about?" I asked. I'm really confused.

" Oh no. The doctor said nothing about memory loss" he mumbled to himself.

"Jordan? What's going on?"

"I'm not sure I'll go get the doctor" and with that he left. He came back into the room a few minutes later with a doctor.

"Ms. Stattin, lovely to see you up from your coma" the doctor said.

"What coma?" I asked.

"Oh dear, you've been in a coma for about a week" he said. I didn't know what to say so I stayed quiet. "Anyways, I'm sure you'd like to know what's going on?" He asked and I nodded. "Well, we ran some tests, and it seems as though you have a mild concussion and also severe memory loss."

"What do you mean? How much can I not remember?"

"We asked you some questions and, well, you can't remember anything after your eighteenth birthday and nothing really up until now. You do remember who Jordan is and of your occupation as a model" he said.


"Yes, we've seen things like this before and it seems as though you may have wanted to forget something from you're past" the doctor said.

"Will I be able to remember anything that I've forgotten?" I asked him worried.

"It's hard to say. Sometimes people do, sometimes they don't. I have a great therapist that has helped many people to remember certain things they forget that I can refer you too."

"That would be great" I said.

"There is one more thing. You have a visitor that you don't remember. He was a very big part of your life and I don't think you remember him; however, he doesn't know you have memory loss or that you don't remember him so please just take it easy on him and try not to be too hard on him" the doctor said.

"Oh uh okay?" I said but it came out more as a question.

"I'll send him in" he said then walked out.

A few minutes later one of the most attractive guys I have ever seen walked in.

"Hi, Lydia. How are you feeling. Oh my gosh I feel so guilty. This is all my fault. If I had gotten to you sooner this wouldn't have happened. I'm so so so sorry. Please forgive me. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I had no clue you would be there and anyways I m just really truly so-" I cut him off.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" I asked.

"Uh I'm um uh I'm sorry did you just ask who I am?" The man asked.

"Um yes" I replied sheepishly.

He was silent for a second and then busted up laughing. "Wow, Lydia. You had me there for a moment. I though you were serious!"

"I am serious" he looked at me confused "I lost my memory."


"I'm sorry?" I asked hoping the man would calm down. The doctor came in and killed the man aside for a moment. Then they both came back in. The man look much more calm.

"All right, now that everyone is calm and understanding, it's time for us to discuss living arrangements" the doctor said.

"Well can't I just go home?" I asked.

"No dear, you need someone to watch over you while you still have a concussion and memory loss" the doctor said.

"Oh" I said lamely.

"She can stay with me" Jordan said. I smiled and nodded my head.

"Thank you. That's very kind of you but I honestly don't believe it would be in Ms. Stattin's best interest to stay with someone she barely knows" the doctor said.

"Then who will I stay with?" I asked confused.

"I believe Mr. Roberts here has extra room at his place for you, Lydia."

"But I don't know him at all. He's a stranger" I said.

"Oh dear, he's no stranger. You just don't remember him. He's your ex husband."

Now it was my turn. "WHAT?!"




Hope it's enough to satisfy for a bit. I got really sick. I will try to update sooner though. This is mostly a filler chapter for the next chapter. The next chapter will be when some interesting things occur and the chapters will start to get longer.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2015 ⏰

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