you celebrate Halloween

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You were huddled up with your girlfriend on the couch, watching a horror movie in the evening as you planned to stay home all night for the kids that would come by.

Stacks of candy were near the door, all for the little monsters that were to come.

There were so many kinds of candies, that you couldn't even remember a single name of them.

But surely did they look good, a little too good for Daniela it appeared.

Because before you knew it, a bag of candy had been opened and you already knew it wasn't a ghost who did it.

Daniela had stuffed her face with all that sweetness, but you couldn't be mad at her. She was a kid at heart, after all.

Just as the movie was starting to get exciting, did the bell go off at the front door- signaling that there were people at the front door, specifically kids dressed as creatures that wanted candy.

"Damn it," Daniela had pouted as I paused the movie, watching her get up. "I'll go get it."

She obviously was into the movie, or else she wouldn't pout about the doorbell going off. But that didn't mean she didn't like going and helping the kids that she's watched grow up, since we've been living in this neighborhood for years now.

But little did she know that you set up a plan, one that was a little evil.

You made a deal with all the kids of the neighborhood- one where they had to come exactly at 8 PM, all at once.

That way you'd have enough time to put on your costume that you had prepared for this occasion.

And it wasn't even really a costume, but rather a mummy- casually wrapped in toilet paper.

But you knew it'd work.

You could already imagine her face as you wrapped yourself in the paper.

It's been 3 minutes already and the kids should almost all be gone by now, and you were also near to finishing.

"Y/N, the whole neighborhood came to the door just now!" You heard the vampire yell in the living room as she came back from giving out candy.

A grin came onto your face as you heard her call out your name while walking around, trying to find you.

"Baby, are you in the bathroom?" She knocked on the bathroom door and it moved because it wasn't closed, slightly letting the light from the living room crack into the bathroom.

As you saw her hand about to pull the door further open- you pushed the door open and screamed at her.

"Fuck!" Daniela screeched and right away turned away, about to run away until she realised what had just happened.

And the embarrassment on her face told you enough as you laughed and clapped your hands together, "Got you!"

You loved the feeling that you scared her, and good too.

Sadly, you didn't film it.

"You're so mean!" Your girlfriend shouted and crossed her arms, that infamous pout making its way onto her face as she stared you down.

Her hands reached out and ripped the toilet paper off of you before they gripped your face and a pair of lips slammed onto your own, taking you by surprise.

The redhead nipped at your bottom lip till a few drops of blood fell, but kissed them right away.

"Scaredy cat." You whispered near her ear when she pulled you into her embrace to prevent you from seeing her shocked state.

She wouldn't admit it with words, but the way her head fell into the crook of your neck told you enough.

Daniela Imagines (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now