I put a spell on you

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Binx leads the kids to the cemetery. "Whoa, whoa. This is a graveyard." Max said. "It's hallowed ground. Witches can't set foot here." The cat said. The girls give Max a shocked look. "He talks." Max explained. "Follow me." They enter the graveyard. "Over here, I want to show you something. Give you an idea of exactly what we're dealing with." Binx stops on top of a gravestone that reads 'William Butcherson' Lost Soul. "William Butcherson? Lost Soul?" (Y/n) asked. "Billy Butcherson was Winifred's lover, but she found him sporting with her sister Sarah, so she poisoned him and sewed his mouth shut with a dull needle. So he couldn't tell her secrets, even in death. Winifred always was the jealous type." He explained. "You're Thackary Binx." (Y/n) said. "Yes." He replied. "So the legends are true." Allison said. "Well, come along. I want to show you something else." He said. Binx sits by the grave of his sister Emily. "Because of me my little sister's life was stolen. For years I waited for my life to end, so I could be reunited with my family. But Winifred's curse of immortality kept me alive. Then one day I figured out what to do with my eternal life. Now, I'd failed Emily, but I wouldn't fail again. When Winifred and her sister's returned, I'd be there to stop them. So, for 300 centuries I guarded the house on All Hallow's Night when I knew some airhead virgin might light that candle." He snarled. Max rolled his eyes. "Nice going, airhead." (Y/n) said glaring. "Hey look, I'm sorry, okay? But we're talking about three ancient hags versus the 20th century, how bad can it be?" He asked. "Bad." Binx said.

Allison opens the book. "Stay out of there!" Binx shouted. She quickly closed it in alarm. "Why?" She asked. "It holds Winifred's most dangerous spells. She must not get it." He warned. Max takes the book. "Let's torch the sucker." He tries to burn it with the lighter, but the flames don't work. "It's protected by magic." Binx said. They hear laughter and suddenly the Sanderson sisters appear flying on their brooms. "It's just a bunch of Hocus Pocus. Sarah." She points one way. "Mary." She points the other way. The sisters fly and surround the four. "Max! (Y/n)!" Dani shouted fearfully. "Brave little virgin who lit the candle. I'll be thy friend." Sarah said to Max. (Y/n) quickly steps in front of Max protectively. "Hey! Take a hike!" (Y/n) swings a tree branch at Sarah. "Ouch!" Sarah flies higher. "Book! Come to mommy." Winnie calls to her spell book. The book lifts off the ground but Binx jumps on it. "'Fraid not." He said. "Thackary Binx, thou mangy feline. Still alive?" Winnie mocked. "And waiting for you!" He shouted. "Oh. Thou hast waited in vain. And thou will fail to save thy friends, just as thou failed to save thy sister." She shouted. Binx hisses at her. "Grab the book!" He shouted. "They can't touch us here, right?" (Y/n) asked hopefully. "Well, they can't." Binx replied. They all looked at him. "I don't like the way you said that." (Y/n) said. "Unfaithful lover, long since dead. Deep asleep in thy wormy bed. Wiggle thy toes, open thine eyes. Twist thy fingers towards the sky. Life is sleepy, not to shy, on thy feet so say 'aye'." Winnie said.

Suddenly the ground where Billy Butcherson is buried begins to move. Billy comes out from his grave as a zombie. The kids scream and run away. Billy turns and looks at his grave, and gives a grunt of annoyance. "Hi. Hello Billy." Sarah said. "Catch those children! Get up! Get out of that ditch. Faster!" Winnie scolded. Binx leads the kids to a hole that goes underground. "In here." He said. Dani slides down, followed by (Y/n), then Allison. Billy almost catches up with them, but Max pulls back on a tree branch and lets it lose and it hits Billy in the head, knocking his head off. "Yes!" Max follows after the girls while Billy tries to find his head. "Are you both okay?" Allison asked. "Uh huh." Dani said. "Yeah." (Y/n) said. "What is this place, Binx?" Max asked. "It's the old Salem Crypt." He replied. "Here, take the book." Allison said as she gives it to Max. "It connects to the sewer and up to the street." He added. "Charming." (Y/n) said sarcastically. Max looks up and spots some rats and other unpleasant things. "Oh, don't look up girls." He said in disgust. "Don't worry, we won't." Dani said. "Relax, I've hunted mice down here for years." Binx said. "Mice?" (Y/n) asked in disgust. "This way!" Binx said. "Come along, not much further." He said. "Which way, which way? Oh, down here." Billy is wandering around looking for the kids. The kids have reached a manhole that leads to the surface. "Up the ladder. Come on. Careful." Binx said. Max climes the ladder with Binx. The manhole cover moves and Max lifts it out of the way for Binx to hop out. But Max looks up in time to see the bus coming.

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