Chapter 2

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"Beep Beep Beep" my alarm clocked blares as I rubbed the sleep from my swollen eyes, I guess I tired myself out by crying so much last night.
I pulled myself up and sat on the edge of my bed, I couldn't get the conversation that I had last night out of my head. Amber did you make a mistake? Should you even trade spots for your uncle? What if something bad will happen when your there? At this point all I could do was question myself in third person.

I stood up slowly and walked towards my wardrobe and picked out a simple black dress since I wanted to look presentable when I get taken away and as harsh as it may sound it was the truth, I had know idea when they were coming all I could do was wait and call my family.

"Mom? hey it's me" I put the phone close to me waiting to hear her voice. "Amber is that you honey,me and your father miss you so much." she sounded relieved when she heard my voice, I wasn't surprised since I haven't seen her in 8 months. "Is Dad there can I speak with him?" At this point I was on the verge of crying, trying so hard to hold back my tears. "Yeah he's here Amber just hold on one second." I waited for a bit sitting patiently on my window seat until I heard my mother's voice again "Go ahead Amber." I took a deep breath and pretended to sound cheerful so they wouldn't ask me if I was okay or not. "Hey dad I missed you." my father laughed all I could do at this point was tell myself Don't cry Amber whatever you do don't cry! "I miss you too my baby girl you should come back to New York and find yourself a boyfriend." he continued to laugh, I could just imagine my mother give my father this look of disapproval "Christian she's only 24 let her be."

"I just called because I wanted to say I love you guys a lot just remember that okay?" A single tear escaped my eye as I finish my sentence. my mom quickly replied "Of course we will, your our daughter and we love you too honey." Just then I heard a car approaching, just as I expected it was the black sedan the man on the phone said will come and pick me up. I quickly wiped my tears and grabbed my purse. "Mother I have to go I'll call you when I can... I love you bye." before she could say anything I ended the call and walked downstairs with my phone in my hand, gradually moving myself towards the door very slowly and cautiously regretting the choice I made but there was no turning back.

I hesitantly open the door to see a guy and a girl in there early 20s at my front door. "You must be Amber." the girl smiled at me. I noticed she had a dimple on her left cheek, her olive skin complimented her hazel eyes, and she was fit.

"That's me." I replied to her confidently she looked at me then smirked. "My name is Miranda and that's Jacob we're here to escort you."
Whoa escort me? I thought I was being held against my will or something. "All right then but first I have to see my uncle."

Miranda and Jacob moved aside as two men pulled my uncle out of the car. I ran towards him and placed both my hands on his shoulder. "Uncle Jeffrey are you okay?" I looked at him worried trying to hold him up with my strength "I'm fine Amber." before I could say anything the two men took my uncle away without a word dragging him into the cabin and locking the door behind them. "Wait a minute can't I just have a few minutes to talk to him?" as I said that the men assisted me into the car as Jacob and Miranda sat beside me.

"You know I don't have anything packed right? At the moment it felt like Miranda could sense that I was getting nervous so she took my hand and gently squeezed it." You'll be fine we will take good care of you we have clothes, food, and a good place just for you to stay Amber." I gave her a smile since that was all that I could manage to do.

Jacob didn't look at me it felt like he was trying to get away from me. He was also built like Miranda, with brown hair, and he also has a strong jawline.

The car ride there was a long and awkward, I didn't manage to say much I just clutched on to my purse the whole time and looked at my wrist watch. As soon as the car stopped I was kinda glad that I arrived there because I thought I was gonna go crazy from boredom. The driver immediately ran out of the car and opened the car door letting Miranda, Me, and Jacob out. As soon as we got out Miranda faced towards me and said "It's time for you to meet our boss." As her and Jacob started walking up the white marble stairs to the front door I quickly followed behind. Miranda and Jacob guided me down a hallway into what looked like an elegant living room with a bar and a lit fireplace. That's when I noticed a man standing in front of me smirking.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2015 ⏰

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