Part II: The Legend Continues...

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"Such a sad, yet beautiful story," Merrill commented once the twins had finished telling their tale. "It reminds me of the one Hahren Paivel used to tell us all about the fall of Arlathan."

Fenris and Adeline shared a look with one another, both of them wondering how Zevran's family had heard about his escape from Danarius and what happened with the Fog Warriors who had taken him in. Perhaps one of the Fog Warriors had survived and gone on to tell the tale. If that was case, they were lucky that the survivor hadn't come after Fenris seeking revenge for him slaughtering his entire tribe. Then again, anyone who had seen the devastation he had single-handedly caused that day likely would have thought twice about ever taking him on.

"You know," Adeline said after a moment, turning her gaze to the two little blonde elven girls seated across from them, "I think I've heard that story before."

"Really?" asked Alleria, the older of the two girls, her green eyes sparkling.

"Yes," Fenris added, a slight smile on his lips as he continued to look at his beloved Hawke for a moment more before looking to the children, as well. "And, if I recall, there's actually more to it than that."

"Tell us!" requested the younger twin, Vereesa, she and her sister both scooting closer to the couple.

"Girls, what has your mother told you?" Zevran scolded his daughters, pausing in whispering naughty suggestions into his wife's ear to level a stern gaze at them both.

"Sorry," Vereesa apologized, pouting and batting her long eyelashes at her father. Zevran chuckled at the look on her face. Beside him, Sylvanas let out a sigh.

"I see you've taught them that, too," she muttered unhappily. Zevran sidled up next to her and nuzzled the curls of dark red hair at the side of her neck, his arm tightening around her waist.

"It is essential for an assassin to have the proper skills to seduce their target."

"They're five, Zevran," she admonished him, twisting out of his grasp so she could glare at him with her own green eyes - identical to those of their daughters.

"I apologize, cara," Zevran purred, his arm sliding into its previous position around her waist. "What must I do to make it up to you?"

"You do realize that there are children in the room?" Anders asked, raising an eyebrow as he observed the Antivan elf nibbling on his wife's ear, completely oblivious to his current company.

"Will you please tell us the rest of the story?" the sisters asked, their voices blending together into one.

"Would you care to start, Fenris, or should I?" Adeline asked him, and he looked at her quietly for a moment before nodding.

"You begin."

"All right, then," Adeline said, clearing her throat a bit as she returned her attention to the eager little elven girls who were now seated almost directly next to her.

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