35. Folsom Prison Blues

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Many men in orange jumpsuits were playing basketball, lifting weights and playing cards.


A man with a blowtorch was cutting open a cell. Two workers were walking down hallway towards the man with blowtorch.

"Well this makes a lot of sense," worker one said. "First they close down the cellblock, and now they open it back up again? There's your tax dollars at work, huh?"

Worker two laughed.

"Here." Worker one handed the flashlight he was carrying to worker two. Worker one said to blowtorch guy, "You got that ready?"

Worker one grabbed onto the cell door and pulled. Blowtorch guy used a crowbar to help. The door creaked slightly, then pulled free. Worker two handed the flashlight back to worker one. Both workers shined flashlights on the back wall of the cell, which was cracked and appeared to have dried blood on it.

"Yikes," worker one said. "Would've hate to have gotten thrown in here." Worker one breathed out, and his breath was eerily visible. He watched it float to the ceiling, then asked shakily, "Hey, you feel that, man?"

Worker two nodded and replied, "Yeah."

The two paused and turned, something seemingly having flown between them.

"Whoa!" a worker cried.

Papers were shot into the air as something passes through the hall, and they fluttered down to the ground.

"What was that?" the worker wondered.


Randall was lying on the bottom bed of a bunk bed, reading. He flipped a page and chuckled. Suddenly, the light above him flickered. He looked up at it, startled. The lights in the hallway started to flicker as well. Randall got up and walked to his door, wrapping his fingers around the bars in his small window. The lights continued to flicker.

A clock, encased in bars, was ticking away. The time read ten o'clock. The second hand stopped on the four. The lights continued to flicker.

Randall's face was partly blocked by the bars. Suddenly, something dark flashed by his cell. Randall stepped back quickly from the window, making a startled noise. He slowly walked back up to the window and stared upwards.

"Hey!" Randall called. "Guard! Hey!"


The security monitors in the guard station, the one on the top left, displayed Randall's cell. The picture was flickering, and it was the only one that did so. A guard, who had a clipboard on his lap, was studying it while eating a sandwich. He looked up.

The monitor displayed Randall, who was yelling and waving from his cell. The guard put his clipboard down and leaned over, pushing a button. Immediately Randall's voice is heard, very scratchy.

"Come on, damn it!" Randall said. "Hey! Guard! Come here! Hey!"

The guard sighed and leaned back, pulling his walkie to his mouth before saying, "Going down to B-Block. Randall again..."

"Copy that," a voice on the radio replied.

The guard stood and walked to the door.


Randall was still looking up and yelling, "Hey!"

"Shut up already," prisoner one said.

"Guard, hey!"

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