part one : finding out

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steve was lying down on his bed, and his phone was vibrating like crazy. sometimes he disliked being a father figure to everyone. he felt it had too much responsibility. he felt like everyone expected him to do so much, while deep inside he doesn't want to. it's not that he's lazy, no. but he has had to stay with and take care of six kids, not of his own. just one's he met at school, or met from the others.

"what Dustin, what could you possibly want." steve asked in an annoyed tone, but he guessed dustin didn't bother to notice. "steve! there's a concert at the hideout tomorrow and i wanna ask you if you wanna go." steve curled his lips into a line and was about to speak until he was interrupted. "listen, i know you don't like metal music but my friend needs some people to come. it's only 3 hours, please steve!" dustin pleaded. "your friend? i didn't know you had those." steve said in almost a whisperer while chuckling.

"your really mean. ive known him since i got out of high school. he's still there but we see each other a lot, he's in my hellfire club. or, his hellfire club. im not the leader." dustin continued to ramble on and steve grew bored. "okay, okay. ill try to come, alright? jesus. now go to bed kid, it's late. ill talk to you tomorrow. love ya." steve said in a tired voice, even though he wasn't. it's not like he didn't want to speak to him, dustins his favorite. but steve hasn't been feeling himself. "yep! bye steve, love you too!" and with that, the conversation ended.

steve sighed and set the phone back in its holder before staring up at the ceiling. maybe music could make him feel better. it's how pretty much everyone he knows copes with.. god he hated thinking about it, it made his blood boil. but he missed nancy. a lot more then he wanted to admit. but lately, he's felt weird. weird in a bad way.. or a good way? robin said it's a good way. she said im getting used to not being with nancy so i won't get attached. but im not attached, am i?

whatever, steve thought. he doesn't like arguing with himself. he pulls the covers over himself and gets comfortable before trying to fall asleep. he barley gets enough sleep, which is another thing wrong with him. robin told him his mental state has gone down since the kids started relying on him more, and since the break up. but what does she know? after all, they're just friends. she doesn't know what goes on in his mind. If she did, she would be calling steve asking why she was being thought of at 12pm at night. after another lecture from his brain, he drifted off to sleep.

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