Our Paths Crossing

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The world was-though, seems to be full of astonishing things that could effortlessly leave a person stunned in ecstasy, however it truly feels tasteless for the white tyrant. Free knew that better than anyone. He had seen it. The champion doesn't like to flaunt about his success, the countless victories he had surged through by pure instincts and sheer determination to stretch his territory into an infinity as he had a knack for blading.

Life was somewhat a monochromatic vision that paralyzed his sense of happiness, joy and ecstasy from blooming; he carried the broken pieces still fixing all the cracks of the scattering reality-plunging the boy into the vortex of begrudging despair. Even the sky appeared like a dome of heavenly blue, beautiful to the eye that could see through it, with its vast, borderless flow of clarity that bore the power to calm the troubled minds-Lui finds it exceedingly aggravating to deal with this incompleteness within.

Feeling though his chest tightens at the thought that came crashing down like as if the heavens and earth were being tossed upside down, blocking out the airflow to reach the back of his lungs. Lui plodded on, drawing shallow pants as visible pearls of sweats glimmered against his smooth pale skin. For a split second his whole body trembled uncomfortably, his vision blackened. Before he knew it, a wave of exhaustion caught up to his muscles as Lui stumbled back, hands searching for a support as his exquisite violet orbs narrowed to slits; surprised.

When Lui thought he would hit the dirt, a firm hand grasped around his slim waist preventing the fall, reassuring in a way that brought relief to the white tyrant.

"You okay, Lui?"

Free asked, concern edging closer to his soft whisper carried out through the gentle breeze, he slipped his hands into his lover's and intertwined their fingers.

"Yeah," Lui scowled at the light headed feeling, tightening his grip around the blonde's hand.

Early in the morning the sun peeked up over the waves as the faint rays glistening against the sparkling undulations of the ocean, draping the young bladers with a familiar warmth. "Let's take a breather," Free pulled the white tyrant towards the shore and sat on the golden brown sand. With a calm rhythm it feels refreshing for the mind to clear the uncertainty and self doubts, Lui watched as the tide foams up in the shell laden beach and the waves pound endlessly like a breeze.

"Don't treat me like that. It makes me look pathetic."

Lui grumbled underneath his breath, he absolutely loathed the idea of being seen as a weak person that could not protect himself. Lui comes from an exclusive Alpha family, he has always been hiding his second gender to the rest of the world.

People misinterpreted the fabricated truth claimed by the social media, the champion, White tyrant-Lui shirosagi is an Alpha. Though their interpretations were quite reasonable and even convincing at some point, Lui had all the qualities to that of an alpha, even his physical appearance couldn't be questioned either. With the swelling confidence that was often mistaken as arrogance, Lui had always prided himself on being unflappable even in the most dire circumstances.

"Laugh again, I'll end you." Lui warned with an annoyed edge in his tone, threatening the Alpha with a fist.

"You called me up at ass o'clock and took me somewhere quiet so you can pull a murder?" Free snorted at the omega, his daunting pair of black orbs trailed the movements of his mate's flame like hair moving in a rather soft pattern.

Lui huffed, crossing his arms over his chest and heaved a breath. The reminiscences of the time when he first met the alpha still feels vaguely fresh and alive; invoking a sense of servile as his omega purred in delight. Just the thought of his complete subservience to his Alpha always makes the white tyrant cringe, Lui recoiled back when Free leaned in to press his soft lips against his pale features, "I want to kiss you," Free set his lips into a small pout of annoyance, wrapping his arms around the omega, "There's no need to be selfish, Can't you see how clingy and needy, I am?"

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