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Okay basic introduction first

All ideas here belong to me and me only

The ideas here are just gonna be a prologue type , maybe even add in a random scene near the end that probably doesn't follow right after the prologue

Reason why I'm making this is because I have way too much book ideas in my head so I'll write them down here and let you guys imagine the rest ig

There's gonna be a slight chance that I might turn the chapter into an actual book

Maybe I'll make you guys vote or smt idk

Best font to read in is Ariel


01— No "mommy / daddy (minor character)" idc if y'all are like the same age pls don't do this 😭

02— No stealing my ideas. Just bcuz it's in this book and that it isn't an actual full story doesn't give you any rights to take my idea and write a book abt it. If I found out you did I'll block you / harvest ur spine

03— No racism , no homophobia , no sexism , no slurs (r word included 😭) no negativity in general. You can hate on characters tho Dw

04— No fighting in the comments , no long ass convos (if it's more than 15 replies go in dms pls)

05— There will be swearing , probably gore , blood and stuff like that . There will be warnings at the beginning of each chapter

06— No smut. (Edit: I TAKE THIS SHIT BACK🙌)

07— Updates will be slow bcuz I only write down random ideas that come to my head and I get like 50 per month so yeah

08— No "Can we get a reader x D0um@ / H!$0K@ / any problematic mf" it's pretty understandable if you don't understand then just use that head. It came into the world first didn't it? Use it then 🤨

09— No "👴🏻" "jokes".

Btw these rules apply to all my books

WRITING INFO!! (Basically how I write my stories)

Italics means someone is whispering
Ex: "Yo that shawty got that ass"

Bold means empathising (is that even the right word) smt or smt important
Ex: "Yeah okay sure can we at least bomb the house? No? Okay."

Underline means someone is talking on the other side of the phone
Ex: "Whats ur boobs size ?"
"Come over and check"

Bold underlined means two ppl are talking at the same time

If u ever get confused just read here 🐥

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