Chapter 16

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-(y/n)'s pov-

You ran as fast as you could out the door one hand on fire and one hand that's blue for ice magic. Slendy called the rest of the Pasta's back to the house just like you told him to . but then something terrible happened . your necklace started glowing and getting tighter it was also turning black and now it looked kinda like a couldn't even move anymore, In fact you couldn't do anything. You started to turn into your full demon form you tried not to but you kept transforming. when you are in your full demon form your body turned to the slender mansion. Oh no... What were you going to do!

You lifted up a paw above the house and dropped it down which put a giant hole in the roof. Then you set the rest of the house on fire the Pasta's started attacking you.... Even... Ben... You attacked them back but you couldn't help it. RAWR!! You roared and hissed and fought.... Against your own team. Until the collar went back to normal and you fell from very high up closing your eyes ready to hit the ground but you didn't. You opened your eyes to see a tendril around your waste. Slenderman pulled you crying body towards him and set you on the ground. I-im sorry I couldn't move! I couldn't control my self at all! You said trying to take the necklace off. Slendy just nodded and said "child were did you get that that necklace" you told him that your brother gave it to you a couple days ago. You were a little frightened considering that all the Pasta's that wasn't hurt surrounded you ready to attack at any moment. Slendy said "child I want you to go inside today is only part of the war that will probably come soon my Pasta's can handle the rest" you nodded and walked inside the burned house still crying... You know you have destroyed many things but you know you can fix this house with ease. You put a hand on the wall and chanted some words you brother taught you when you were younger. Then the whole house glowed (f/c) and went back to normal
~le timeskip to after the mini war brought to you by alois trancy~

When all the Pasta's walked back in in with cuts and bruises you wanted to heal them. But none of them would talk or even get near you. Even... BEN.... Ignored you. You hated this you wish you could just go back and live the peaceful life in your tree. But it's to late for that now.... Your tree is probably burned town or in half. You just lay there on your bed thinking what happened... And why... Your brother would never do anything like that to you. There had to be an explanation, you sat there thinking and thinking and soon drifted off to sleep.

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