Paranormal Crime

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Hey guys. Halloween is right around the corner, so I decided to write a one-shot story of The Bad Guys. This story was originally part of my future fanfic, The Bad Guys season 1, but because of the Halloween season, and I love Halloween, this story is right to be posted in this season. I hope you like it.

Warning: Few spoilers that were supposed to be revealed in The Bad Guys season 1.


At noon, the Bad Guys were standing in line to watch a horror movie.

"Aw, man, I've been dying to see Killer Book 2. The first one was awesome," Wolf said excitedly.

"Yeah, hope the sequel is gonna be good," Hornet stated.


When the audience and the Bad Guys were in the middle of the movie, the movie showed a professor reading a book while walking on the sidewalk. Because he kept his eyes on the book, he didn't see where he was going, not even the traffic light when it showed a red light. When the professor walked across the street, a car ran him over, and got killed, but the book wasn't damaged.

"Geez, this movie sucks," Shark commented quietly.

"I know, hermano, it's terrible," Piranha replied in agreement.

"There's nothing new about this," Tarantula added.

The movie's last scene showed a student reading the same book that the professor had earlier. When the student fell asleep with his face on the opened book, the book closed hard, smashing the student's head. The credits showed "THE END"


After the movie, the Bad Guys headed out of the theater, feeling unimpressed by the movie.

"That was awful," Hornet remarked.

"I know, they just redid all the same stuff from the first Killer Book," Snake recalled.

"Yeah, like in the first Killer Book, the book smashed someone's head, but a male student. Like, that's smart, right? That's a smart move. But it did the same thing twice in this movie. Once to that student and once earlier when it found that wild goose," Wolf said.

"It's just bad writing," Piranha declared

"Yeah, I mean, we could write a better horror movie than that," Tarantula stated.

"Really? You think we could?" Shark inquired.

"Absolutely, I'm as creative as I did my first hack," Tarantula smirked, remembering her first hack.


In the late afternoon, the Bad Guys went to FasTogether where they sat in their usual booth with notepads, pens, and the food they ordered on the table.

Shark started a suggestion first about a horror movie, "All right, I got a horror movie idea. It's called Fun Police. A police who only shoots people who have fun."

"Wait, what-what if a judge is a killer?" Wolf interfered, "When he pledges innocents and criminals guilty, he kills them with his gravel."

"The gravel is made of wood, and it won't be that deadly to kill someone," Hornet pointed.

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