*prayer hands emoji*

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Shook, Chuuya was shook! Osamu was actually really cool. He got along well with everyone, and didn't show at all how draining he felt being around their rambunctious ass friends was. They all liked him and didn't mind that he was pretty quiet and very focused on Chuuya rather than their inquiries.

After they said goodbyes and went out to the car they watched Osamu finally relax. The tension leaving his shoulders the moment they were alone again. Chuuya was proud of him and impressed that he had gone so far out of his comfort zone just for them.

The drive home was easygoing with Osamu claiming he found their friends to be 'okay' and then teasing them about random things. Did he really have to call out how close Chuuya sits to the steering wheel? Like they didn't already notice?

When they got back to their apartment Chuuya immediately had to change clothes. They hate smelling like barbecue even if they can tolerate it temporarily. Osamu disappeared briefly, but Chuuya knew he wouldn't stay away for long.

They put on some shorts already, but were looking for a cute shirt to go with them. A hand presses its palm into their lower abdomen and pulls them close. Osamu snuck up on them! He rests his chin on top of their head.

"It's adorable how much time and effort you put into what you wear and all, but I can't help but wonder if this has made you late for things." Osamu teases them.

"I have excellent time management skills, thank you." Chuuya turns to face him and does not miss the way Osamu's eyes trail down their exposed chest. The hand on their stomach has settled on their side.

"I'm sure you won't mind if we make up for what's been lost then?" Osamu asks softly but the tone is playful.

Forgetting about finding a cute shirt altogether Chuuya pulls Osamu towards their bed. Only letting go to fall back on it and laugh. He is eager to follow, climbing over top of them and outright staring.

The intensity in his gaze is both familiar and new. Chuuya has never found being on display disconcerting before, and with the person who appreciates them above all else it's a more powerful feeling. Their only complaint was that he wasn't touching them yet.

"Osamu," Chuuya calls for him while brushing their hair out of their face. "While I appreciate the sentiment of 'taking one's time'—"

Chuuya cut off by Osamu's lips against theirs. While this was exactly what they were asking for the immediate response was startling. Their arms wrap around his broad shoulders and they feel his hand trailing down their rib cage enticingly. They move to deepen the kiss and are pleasantly surprised to find Osamu had disappeared to brush his teeth. They find it endearing that he teases them about the way they are while also being aware and considerate. Apparently that theme is going to extend to other things.

Osamu squeezes their hip a little roughly and bites their bottom lip gently. Chuuya's arms move to encircle his midsection and attempt to pull him closer. If that gave Osamu the excuse to break the kiss Chuuya might have not taken the teasing taunts seriously enough.

He is looking down at them with a sly grin and Chuuya tries to stop pouting. From Osamu's amused expression they are sure they are failing. Instead they cover their mouth with the back of their hand.

Osamu grabs their wrist. Fingers curling around it similarly to the red thread. Easily taking it away from their face and pinning it to their bed. Suddenly Chuuya can hear their heartbeat in their ears.

"Sorry Chuuya." Osamu apologizes. "I can't miss this view."

His other hand tucks Chuuya's hair behind their ear like he did the previous night, but then he doesn't pull away. Fingertips lightly making their way down Chuuya's neck and caressing their chest. They shudder having discovered their neck is particularly sensitive, but then again so is a lot of them. They gasp as the pad of Osamu's thumb brushes their nipple. Though they don't have breasts, their chest is an erogenous zone.

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