CH.1, UAG Summit, pt2

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 "Now, discussing what ships are to be sent there..." Hargan took a piece of paper and fixed his glasses, "I see that the Kuan Confederacy wants to send in their ships?"

"Yes sir," said Representative Aduhac, "We believe our ships are cut out for the operation. The Aether Class Cruisers and Stellar Class Destroyers are ships specifically made to operate for months at a time without refueling. Obviously, it is advised that we make some modifications to parts such as the hull and hydration purification systems, but they can be done. I also heavily advise sending in helicopter destroyers"

"I see," Hargan replied, "but that still doesn't solve the food problem. We're traveling more than 12,000 kilometers with no stop, food is going to be a massive problem." As he looked back at Aduhac, a hand shot up next to the young representative, "Representative Kantoj of Olda, you may speak."

"Thank you, sir," Kantoj said, "Speaking of the food problem, my country does have a prototype fast-moving ship that is capable of producing its own food with vertical farms. If we can get it to the production stages, I propose sending out a couple of these Persephone Class research ships to accompany the fleet."

"Prototypes you say?" Hargan said, "I'll look into it. Anyone else?" He looked around the room and was about to make the decision final when another hand shot up. "Representative Oltein of the People's Republic Yormak, go ahead."

"Thank you, sir!" Oltein said, "I propose we also send the MTK-1 Vega with the fleet," he said. All eyes in the room darted toward him at the mention of the name Vega.

"Representative Oltein, why do you propose we send in a seventy-year-old battleship from the 3rd War? I don't see any use of an 800mm gun." Hargan replied. The MTK-1 Vega was a relic from the 3rd Griada War, built by the Democratic Republic of Yormak after they experienced a shortage of battleships. It was essentially two massive 80cm railroad artillery guns welded onto an MT-4 class Battleship.

"We don't know what to expect there sir; the natives could be hostile, and having gunboat diplomacy would be very useful," Oltein said, "and if we do have to fight our way through, having 80cm shells supporting ground forces from the sea would prove to be very beneficial," he replied.

"Even so," Hargan started, "we can just use missiles rather than long-range artillery," he said.

"Our missiles —while fast traveling and quite destructive— can be limited by a multitude of factors such as terrain blocking flight navigation by radar or other heat sources confusing thermal guided munitions. And we may have the knowledge to navigate via the satellites, but we only just recently launched one Zystar, and that took months upon months of preparation. Having ultra long-range artillery can solve all that until we start using the sat-nav."


"That is all I have to say, sir," Oltein finished. The crowd was left staring at him until Hargan cleared his throat.

"I will inform the other council members of this. As you know, sending a ship with as much historical presence as the Vega into an unknown world is quite... challenging. But you have got me thinking about the satellites too," he added, "I have seen that we are very lacking in our ability to monitor situations, and with the fact that we will be sailing blindly into 12,000 kilometers of open water, it is best that we have a way to effectively know where we are. I will speak to the other council members about the production of the prototype Ouroborus Satellites."

Beacon Academy, Beacon City, Kingdom of Vale

As Professor Ozpin woke up, he was greeted by the scent of freshly laundered sheets and the tweeting of birds. He began to get ready when he picked up his scroll and opened it up. The first thing he saw shocked him.

Mysterious Man-made object Found in Space, Orbiting the planet says Kingdom of Atlas

Ozpin stared at the news article and clicked on it. His eyes began darting from word to word as information poured into his head with each sentence.

The Atlesian Jurasal Telescope Observation Center, located just north of Beacon City has recently reported sightings of a mysterious object, one that looks to be man-made orbiting the planet at high speeds. Whether this is yet another attempt at launching communication systems into space is unknown. However, the practice has been seen before during the Post War Era, when Atlas began attempting to establish a global communication array. Aside from the recent report, the Kingdom of Atlas has not spoken out about this occurrence.

Ozpin clutched the scroll as he began to worry once more. It had been three whole days since he first saw the object, and every night, he knew that it was passing over again. But this just confirmed to him that this was real, and everyone could see it. He hastily walked out of the door and began making his way to beacon Academy.

As Ozpin was walking through the courtyard of the academy, he heard numerous students and staff murmur about the news. From what he could hear, it was all over the news, and it had begun to stir emotions in people. Some simply wondered where it came from and who made it; others began to fear the object. If a man-made object can get into space, then the Grimm might also be able to. He managed to get through the courtyard and entered the huntsman academy, ready for a new day.

Hagart, Holy Empire of Yormak, Griada

"Thank you Richard!" said a newswoman as she looked into the camera, "As you can see, we're currently in front of the UAG Marine Base here in the Holy Empire. If you look behind me and through the fence," she motioned for the cameraman to focus past the metal fences, "you can see marines from the Peacekeeping Forces rigorously training. Just an hour ago, the UAG made an official statement regarding the newly discovered continents to the west. In it, they stated that within one years time, the UAG would send out an expeditionary force, including various ships such as Aether Class Cruisers from Kuan, Stallion Class Light Aircraft Carriers from our own nation, and even prototype Persephone class Research Ships! They have also stated that they plan to launch more Zystar satellites and begin launching Ouroborus Satellites into space! Clearly, this is the biggest event that has ever hit Griada!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2022 ⏰

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