Chapter Four

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"Fuck why does the press have to follow us everywhere?!?" Liam says angrily as he drives Harry to A&E.

"We can't have them follow us to A&E, we need a distraction!" Harry says, biting the inside of his mouth to prevent him screaming out in pain.

"We don't have time for a distraction!" Liam says and pulls into the hospital car park.

"Come on let's go, and keep your head down" Liam says and just out the car, followed quickly by Harry.

Black Landrovers were beginning to pull up in the car park behind them with people jumping out and chasing after them.

"Harry!" "Liam!" "Why are you going to A&E" "Is everything okay?" "Will this affect your concert tonight?" "Did you get in a fight with another band member?" "Is the 'Larry rumours true?"

Press keep shouting question after question as Harry and Liam push their way into the hospital. Harry stops as he hears a man asking about whether or not he is dating Louis.

"No Harry not now!" Liam says and pulls Harry to the front desk.

"Hello how may I- oh my goodness you're Liam Payne! And you're Harry Styles!" The woman at the front desk says excitedly.

"Yes yes we are but this is an emergency" Liam says, the irritation in his voice causes the woman at the front desk to change her facial expression.

"He punched a mirror and yeah now we need help" Liam says, showing the woman his hand.

"Sure sure come this way" the woman says and leads them away from the front desk.

"You can't tell anyone about this" Harry warns her "or the press will come up with all stupid reasons of why I punched the damn mirror"

"Well why did you punch it?" The woman says and she leads Harry into a small room and begins examining his hand.

She begins cleaning it, ignoring the fact Harry is continuously trying to pull his hand away in pain.

As Harry opens his mouth to speak Liam quickly cuts in.

"He was angry, now will you be able to fix his hand so he's okay for the concert tonight?" He asks worriedly.

"Yes I would assume so. I have gotten most of the glass out now and you will probably need stitches" the woman tells them.

"Right okay thank you" Liam says and walks out the room to call Louis while Harry has his hand seen to.

"Hey, Harry needs stitches in his hand" Liam says into the phone.

"But he's okay isn't he?" Louis asks, his voice hoarse from crying.

"He'll be fine, don't worry! Have you managed to clean up the hotel room?" Liam asks.

"Yeah its pretty much all clean and we have paid for the damage done" Louis says "when do you think you will be back?"

"Soon, it shouldn't take to long" Liam says and notices Harry walking towards him.

"We can go now" Harry says.

"Okay, right we are away to leave now so we will try be back at the hotel as soon as possible" Liam tells Louis.

"Don't come back to the hotel just go straight to the stadium, we'll meet you there" Louis says "bye"

"Okay see you" Liam says and hangs up.

"We need to go to the stadium" Liam tells Harry then looks at his bandaged hand "oh wow"

"Yeah, what are we going to tell people?" He asks nervously while they walk to the hospital doors.

"Maybe we could just say you busted your knuckles while working out" Liam suggests.

Harry nods in agreement "sounds believable"

Just then the woman that had seen to them at the front desk comes running over. "We have had the paparazzi removed as they were causing to much stress for the other patients here with all the noise"

"Thank you, we are sorry about them" Harry apologizes.

"No worries, it's not your fault" the woman smiles nicely. "Would it be okay if we maybe got a picture?"

"I thought you'd never ask" Harry laughs and stands next to the woman with Liam on the other side of her as another nurse takes the picture.

"It was nice meeting you" she waves as they walk to the door.

"You too, thanks for helping me" Harry says and walks with Liam back to his car.

"Promise me you'll never punch a mirror before a show again" Liam says as he begins to drive to the stadium.

Harry chuckles slightly "I'll try, but it just depends on what management does next"

The pain in his hand is no match to the pain in his hear that he constantly feels as he knows he can never tell the world of his love for a boy named Louis Tomlinson. Louis had been his first ever true love and having that first love bashed and bruised by having to keep it a secret would always cause Harry the most pain.

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