Things Change

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Wanda leaned on me and I smiled as I combed my fingers through her long hair. We had been dating for two years and last night was the first time we actually slept together. We were laying down in the bed of her spare room in Sokovia. 

We met when I was going to visit Earth and cause trouble, and Wanda's home was bombed. She and her brother were trapped in the rubble for days because of Tony Stark's bombs, and I was the one who helped them get out.

After that, we became friends. Four years later, we started dating. And I loved Wanda more than anything. I had let her use my Tesseract to give her and her twin, Pietro, powers. He had superspeed, she had powers a bit like mine. Telekinesis, plus, energy and mind manipulation. I had those and more, of course. Such as astral projection, shape-shifting, hypnosis, molecular rearrangement, energy blasts, levitating, conjuration, cryokinesis, telekinesis, and teleportation.

I would often used my power to charm her. She always loved the little fireworks I created or when I made it look like we were in a field of flowers. "Wanda," I say suddenly and she picks her head up to look at me. "I was wondering if you'd want to come to Asgard with me?"

She raises an eyebrow and turns onto her side. I had been staying with her on Earth because I didn't really enjoy my family's company, and I had seen all there was to see of her home, I wanted to show her mine. "What?" I smile at hearing her accent.

"I've seen all of Sokovia. Before and after we met. But you have never seen Asgard. And it's so beautiful. It has this bridge that looks like it's made of rainbows. Big, tall mountains that stretch to the clouds. The prettiest water and plants you've ever seen. And my, the music," I ramble and she put a finger to my lips. She sits up, using the blanket to cover her.

"Loki, I appreciate the offer, but...I don't want to leave."

"Well, it won't be for, like, forever. Just a month, or a week, or even just for a few days."

"No! I don't want to leave Earth at all," she restates sternly and I look at her. "If me and Pietro leave, who will put Tony Stark in his place?" 

I scoff as I sit up as well. "You're joking." She raises an eyebrow. "Wanda, the past two years have literally been the happiest of my life. If you want to stay on Earth, we'll stay," I hold her hand. "But don't make your reason be getting revenge on Stark."

"But that is my reason!" She argues. "Tony Stark destroyed my home. He needs to be brought to justice. If I'm not there to do it, who will?"

"There's more important things in life that revenge!" I yell without meaning to. "You want him to pay, I understand. I want my father to pay for lying to me my entire life and treating my brother like he's the Heaven's golden boy while he treated me like a cosmic mistake, but you don't see me letting that rage consume me. You can get pay back another time. Why can't you be happy with me on Asgard? Why do you let vengeance dictate all your actions?"

She stares at me for a minute in silence. I see something harden in her eyes and she pulls her hand away. "Because Tony Stark deserves to suffer-"

"But you don't." I argue. "One day on Asgard is all I ask. If you don't want to go because you're scared of another world, fine! But don't refuse because you want to hurt someone. That'll ruin your life." I advise as I get up and start getting dressed. She sighs and falls back against the bed.

I start walking out before she speaks. "Where are you going?"

"To get some fresh air." I go down to a field use an energy blast to make a rock explode. Me and Wanda have almost never argued. I know she wants revenge for what happened six years ago, and I know that I'm the biggest hypocrite that ever existed to tell her to let it go, but she really needs to. She has new powers, she has her loving brother, she has a new home, she has me, can that not be enough? Can she not be happy with what she has? I am.

I haven't spoken to Thor in years, nor my father, but I haven't made any plans for a grab at the Asgardian throne. It belongs to Thor. It should've gone to me, but it didn't, and I was fine with that because I had Wanda and Pietro. The little Speeder's become like a brother to me. Sokovia had been my home. I'm happy.

Why isn't she?

I try to talk to Wanda again that night, but she just starts another argument. I go to Asgard for a while to give her some space when we end up yelling at each other. I reunite with Thor, and he's a little annoyed at first and angry that I had ignored him for so long, but he accepts my presence all the same. Along with my mother. My father, on the other hand, acts like he doesn't even notice that I'm home.

And I don't know whether I appreciate that or not.

After a few months, I decide to visit Wanda back on Earth. And she has a very interesting surprise waiting for me.

"I wouldn't go in there," Pietro tells me right before I knock on her door. I raise my eyebrow and he chuckles. "She didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?" I haven't heard anything. Was I supposed to? 

"Wanda's been pregnant for nearly six months."

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