Part 1- Drake's new mansion

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Drake - damn it's 5 am why are u waking me up so early babe? Shantae - have to tell you something !!! Drake - what's wrong? Shantae-im pregnant Drake - what the fuck and you wait this fuckin late to tell me!!!!! Shantae-dont get mad at me because you didn't wrap it up right !!! Drake - I'm sorry I'm just so shocked because I really don't want a baby right now shantae you know that I can't be seen with a fucking baby !!!! *furious* (hey I'm shantae and I'm 20 years old and I'm drake's girlfriend we only have had sex once protected but I'm still somehow pregnant i just moved in to drake's new mansion in Toronto and I'm going to leave to cool off because drake hurt my feelings ) Drake - where are you going shantae ? Shantae-Leave me alone you dirty bastard I don't want u anymore drake- baby come on you know I've been in this 6 and it really has been changing my mood shantae- and I care because? ?? Drake- I love you but I'm not ready for a child yet babe we need to be married first *smiling* Shantae-no I don't wanna marry u but just know that we are having this baby no matter what !!!! Drake - okay *sign*

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