Finally, the Inciting Incident

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I've been gone a long time... Sorry about that. 

No good excuses, I just wasn't writing for a while and picked up too many projects at once. This chapter and the next were supposed to be one chapter instead of two but since it's been so long I decided to just split 'em. That's why this chapter's a bit shorter than usual. Anyways, enjoy!

"You're not taking anyone with you?" I parroted back in disbelief. 

"Yes, that's what I said," Clarisse growled as she walked over to the trapdoor, motioning for me to move so she could climb down.

I complied with her silent request, still processing the weight of her decision. 

"You're not taking anyone!?" I repeated again while she came down the ladder. "No one to help if-"

"Yes, Wren," Clarisse groaned. "How many times are you gonna ask? Stop being annoying and let's get to our cabins. It's late and I'm tired."

My mind was still reeling, trying to think of any reason she would decide to go alone and the different ways it would get her killed. Was it cockiness? Sure she could be a bit arrogant at times but I didn't know Clarisse as the type to risk something this important just for an ego boost. 

Maybe she felt too secure from the Oracle's prophecy?  But even then, she would have taken her siblings to bring more honor to Ares after they succeed. Despite how she seems, Clarisse wouldn't want to hog all the glory when she could share it with her siblings.

The reason didn't matter, I couldn't let her do this. Even if the quest was destined to succeed, she might still die somehow.

She could be injured or poisoned and get back to camp just in time to deliver the fleece and still die. Or she could mail the fleece in advance and die before ever making it back to camp. There were too many ways that she could succeed in the quest and still end up in the House of Hades. 

"What the Hades made you think that's a good idea!?" We were halfway down the stairs when my mouth finally caught up to my brain.

"I told you, the Oracle said the quest would go fine. There's no reason to bring anyone else," she shrugged.

"Clarisse, that's ridiculous. Quests are dangerous! You need someone to keep you out of harm's way."

"What, you think I can't do it by myself?" Clarisse snapped. "The Oracle said I'd go alone."

"Wait, the Oracle said you'd be alone? What exactly did she say?" What would that mean? Did the Oracle predict that she'd die and say it in some convoluted way that wouldn't make sense until it was too late?

"Her exact words don't matter, the point is no one else is coming with me."

"You're being completely irrational!"

We'd made it outside now. The dim light cast by the moon made it hard to see her expression, but I could hear her hesitate. 

"Goodnight," she said flatly before picking up her pace to a speed she knew I couldn't comfortably match.

Something was definitely wrong. I'd never seen Clarisse back down like that during an argument. Hell, I'd never seen her end an argument without a fight breaking out! 

I sighed, getting into a slow jog to catch up with her.

"Look fine, I'll drop it for now. Just... There's something I need to tell you before you leave." Clarisse didn't even acknowledge that I'd spoken. 

"Fine, I also don't want to have to walk back to Cabin 11 in the dark by myself," I conceded. "I'll drop it for now, okay?" Clarisse still didn't react.

Red Skies at Morning | Clarisse La Rue x OC | Percy Jackson AUWhere stories live. Discover now