Chapter .1.

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" Damn it, that bitch, Acey!!", a squeaky scream paired with sobs echoed the dark and gloomy house situated somewhere in the abandoned streets of Detroit. It was tattered beyond repair but was still holding on. It's wooden floors creaked as the wailing boy tried to drag himself away holding on to his broken and bleeding arm with huge claw marks all over it. He was enveloped by the crimson light of the full red moon.

" Let's go do a satanic ritual, they said~~ in the creepy abandoned house, they said ~~ well, fuck this Lucifer shit! " grumbled the boy before he heard a loud growl as the floor creaked reminding him of the presence of the huge sixish feet wolf in the room.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Lucifer's great. " pleaded the boy with a will to live in front of the huge, terrifying creature pacing around in the darker part of the room. He whimpered from the pain, and suddenly the creaking stopped as the creature excruciatingly slowly approached the boy. As it stepped forward it completely blocked the red light of the moon from hitting the poor boy and the atmosphere was much cooler now, it's features shown, it had Raven black fur and caramel brown orbs.

As if being released from an enchantment, the fierce look on its face dropped, it whimpered and ran off. It ran and ran and ran, it didn't know where it was going and it's paws moved by themselves. It barged in the never-locked backdoor of the familiar grocery store and then into the small cooler. It shivered and whimpered as it curled into a gigantic fur ball with its ears and tail tucked in. It felt guilty and scared - no, terrified. The very familiar feeling of a panic attack came over, but the breakdown never came. It was strong now, he was strong now.

Prescott wasn't the scrawny, weak boy anymore. He still felt like the shy loner with anger issues, but he was stronger and faster now. He was a werewolf. He didn't how, but he was, and things made a lot more sense now. However, he couldn't enjoy it as much thinking about the poor boy he hurt. How much pain must he be in right now. Not as much as Prescott hurt earlier that night as every bone in his body broke and shifted, his muscles stretched and he transformed from the 5'4 boy to a 6 foot wolf, but it still must've hurt. The boy wouldn't die at least, that was a relief.

The handle on the plastic door rattled as rushed footsteps paraded in the walk in cooler which seemed rather small because of the overgrown puppy inside it. A lean middle-aged man with an apron stood by the door holding on to it so as to not slip on the spilled milk and canned beans lying around. He looked at the wolf and sighed, before carefully reaching over to his furry son and wrapped his hands around him. Prescott whimpered and leaned in more into his father's loving touch. Everything would change now but he will be alright, because he still had his family.


" How can he be freaking alright, dad?! He's a wolf, my big-idiot brother who was a human till yesterday is now an actual real wolf! " shouted the quite short Augustine in disbelief at the man and the boy sitting on the couch in front of her. They were in the living room of their run-down apartment, while she was standing on top of the wooden table right in the middle of the room. "I mean, he does smell and gulp down his food like an animal, but isn't this a bit excessive. It just doesn't make sense."

Augustine couldn't believe it, it was all just a bit unreal. So, werewolves exist now. And her brother was one of them, or maybe the only one.

" And why are you both so calm?!" she waived an accusing finger at them. Mr. Scott just drank his beer lost in his own little world, and Prescott melted more onto the couch. " My entire body hurts so much, but I have never felt more peaceful." He said before jumping onto the table with glee.

"Come on, little Frankenstine, the voices are not bugging me anymore, everything makes sense in the worl- ", before he could complete his sentence, the old table broke with a thud due to their weight and Prescott's constant jumping. The two fell with girly screams and Augustine glared at him, he glared back and boy if looks could kill, both would lay down their bodies in the crossfire. Before they could start screaming at each other like their daily routine, their father snapped out it and abruptly stood up, causing the pups to be silent.

" It will all make sense soon. Pack your bags, we're moving in a week."

" Where are we going?"

" Where your mother grew up-

Hell's Garden."

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