CH-7: The Trial

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It has been a number of cycles since TurboRacer had undergone his conversion into a Triple-Changer Autobot, but his time in Bootcamp has been one of hard work and hard knocks no thanks to Sentinel and his harsh words, on top of the beyond-strenuous nature of the Bootcamp training.

Each time he would get the change to relax and rest from his training, TurboRacer's body and joints would be screaming in pain and he needed to be checked out by both Wheeljack and Perceptor, both of them not happy by the fact of Sentinel Prime's ways and how he was working their only Triple-Changer down to his metal bone structure. TurboRacer was recommended by the two scientists/doctors to take some time off from the training in order to recover, though the blue/black Autobot knew this would make things more difficult and complicated with him and Sentinel but he did not argue as he desperately needed the time to recover properly and for his body to heal.

However, there was one thing that was coming up that he needed to be ready for: the court trail of Wasp to determine his fate, and if he is to serve time for being a Decepticon spy among the Autobots.


TurboRacer now stood looking at the magnificent Fortress Maximus building in front of him. It was the throne room and courtroom of the Autobot Command Centre. Sooner or later, he found his old friend Bumblebee near the entrance. He hadn't seen Bumblebee ever since he left Autoboot Camp.

"Turbo, there you are!" Bumblebee shouted to TurboRacer.

"Oh, Bumblebee! I haven't seen you in what seemed like stellar-cycles!" TurboRacer greeted with a smile.

"Yeah, so how have you been?" Bumblebee asked.

"I've been fine." TurboRacer admitted. He didn't want Bumblebee to be concerned for him regarding what he's been through in Bootcamp. "So how about you? You still in Spacebridge repair?" He now asked, quickly changing the subject.

"Yeah. It's not all that interesting, but it puts Energon on the table." Bumblebee shrugged his shoulder plates. "I got pretty interesting crew mates though: our captain, Optimus Prime, used to be in the Elite Guard with Sentinel but he got kicked out."

"Wow. That must've been the bot that made Sentinel all angry!" TurboRacer realised.

"He was, but he's actually a really nice bot, you'd like him! And then there's our doc-bot, Ratchet. He was a veteran of the Great War." Bumblebee continued.

"Wow. You do have an interesting crew!" TurboRacer commented.

"There's even Zee. She's been put on our group for security detail, along with another 'Bot named Comet." Bumblebee added in. "So, you ready to take the witness stand or what?"

(A/N: Comet belongs to Flamewarrior11 )

"Yeah. I'm kinda nervous, but I've been practicing what I need to say in there." TurboRacer admitted.

"Yeah. Longarm was called in as a witness too. I'm surprised they didn't call anyone else other than us three." Bumblebee admitted.

"He was? How about Scarlet-Falcon?" TurboRacer asked.

"Eh, supposedly he hasn't said anything about Scarlet yet." Bumblebee guessed.

"Oh, good. I'd rather her not get messed up in all this." TurboRacer sighed.

Within a few minutes the trial started. TurboRacer, Bumblebee, Longarm, Sentinel and their lawyer were all seated on one side, Wasp and his lawyer on the other. Wasp looked really nervous and scared, but also pretty angry. His paintjob also seems to have gotten a bit darker, and his optics were twitching a bit. He also had some scratch markings on his knuckles: TurboRacer guessed he'd been hitting the stockade walls one too many times in his anger. A few times TurboRacer glanced at him and Wasp gave him an evil glare back, but he was even angrier at Bumblebee who had gotten him into this arrestment.

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