Chapter 9 : He cheated

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It was sunday, the day after me and Anthony's "date."

I had Miyagi Do training today, but I was scared to face Mr Larusso after last night. Did he see our kiss??

I got ready and left.

We were training for the all valley skills competition. It was kind of boring to be honest, but I still tried. Plus, there was going to be a girl champion. If it's not Sam, maybe it can be me...

Miyagi Do and Eagle Fang split up after the last practice we had. Mr Larusso and Johnny had a fight, but in the middle of it, Eli came in with most of his mohawk shaved off. It looked horrible. He was crying. He got a buzz cut, but I didn't see him yet. He's kind of been laying low.

While me, Sam, and Demetri were training together, Mr Larusso walked in with Anthony. We locked eyes but I quickly snapped out of it and kept practicing.

They were talking and walking. Then they went out to the cars.

What were they doing over there?

After a minute, I went to see what they were doing, while I was getting a drink.

It looked like Mr larusso was showing him how to do "wax on, wax off" But on the car instead.

With soap and a sponge...

I walked out saying "I can help him
if you want."

"No, it's alright, y/n. Get back to work." Mr Larusso said.

I nodded, glanced at Anthony, and walked away.

We kept practicing, and then I saw Anthony walk into the inside dojo. He was on the phone with someone, and then he hung up and started texting. I looked away and started practicing again.

After 30 more minutes, it was time to go home.

I started walking home, when I realized I left my water bottle in the dojo. I turned around and started back.

When I opened the gate, I saw Mr Larusso and Anthony talking. I listened.

"I don't care" said Anthony.

"What?" questioned Mr Larusso.

"All you ever do is talk about Mr Miyagi, okay? I get it, he was a great man, he taught you karate, and he taught Sam her first move - the "wax on wax off," - okay? I heard all the stories and I'm getting sick of it."


"Oh you're sick of it? So you don't want to learn how to defend yourself... to learn how to use skills that will help you in your life."

"Okay, well not if it means cleaning up bird shit."

Anthony.. stop.

"Hey, language!"

There was a pause.

"You know, I thought you were mature enough to appreciate all this, but I.. guess I was wrong."

Mr Larusso walked away. He looked, and sounded disappointed.

I walked closer to Anthony.

He saw me and quickly scratched his neck.

"Oh, hey! What's up?" he said.

"Anthony.. What was that all about?" I asked.


I looked at him and raised my eyebrows.

"Oh uh, you saw that... Uhm, I just got in a small argument with my dad. Nothing serious."

"You insulted his karate mentor.. And his father figure!"

"Look, I just don't understand why he's making me clean his cars!"

I sighed.

"Anthony, can I show you something?"


I grabbed the sponges and picked up some soap. I showed him the "wax on wax off" move I learned.

"See, look what i'm doing. It's not hard. It's muscle memory."

"Yeah but-"

"If you're gonna complain don't even begin to speak."

He shut his mouth.

"Come, try it."

He walked over and I handed him 2 sponges. He started copying me.

"There, you got it!"

He was messing up the circles and getting a little frustrated.

"Here, let me help."

I walked over and put my hands on top of his, showing him the circle movement. I looked at his cute face while he was so focused on this stupid car washing karate move I showed him.

He realized I was looking at him and he looked back.

I slightly grinned, and then slowly moved my face closer to his.

I kissed him, softly and gently. He kissed back.

It was magical.

I mean, we were washing cars, but it meant a lot. I was teaching him is first move. I felt special...

We finished the kiss and Just stared into each other's eyes. He grinned and just looked back at the car, soaping on and... crapping off?

He was blushing.

"Well, I'm gonna go grab my water bottle and head home"

He nodded his head and smiled.

"I hope I helped" I said, smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10 ⏰

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