Ch. 3 - Understanding

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The team migrated to the living room, where Tony and Bruce gave some drinks to everyone. Everyone was dressed casually and comfortably, at home. Her eyes drifted to Steve perhaps too many times, but how could she not? He was wearing a tight shirt that really did show off his arms and some gray sweatpants that made his ass look incredible.

She sat next to Natasha on the arm of a large couch, her arms wrapped around her legs that were tucked in towards her chest. Natasha was sitting cross-legged with a glass of red wine.

"So what's your thing, Dorothy?" asked Jen, She-Hulk. Dorothy had all of their names and aliases memorized by then. "Do you have any powers?"

"I don't have powers, per se, but I am pretty good with combat. I usually handle guns and my ax."

"Ax?" Eyebrows raised, mouths hung open. The usual response.

"Violent, yes. But I love fighting with a battleax."

"Badass- uff." Bucky was elbowed in the stomach by Steve.

"That's impressive, Dorothy. Maybe you could show us some of those skills the next time we train?" Steve offered.

"Yeah, sure. SHIELD didn't let me use my ax too often, so it'd be nice."

The team chatted and drank for a while, and Dorothy felt included in their not-so-little group as they asked her questions. It'd been a while since she'd been out with a group of friends.

Tony randomly piped up, "So what's with the cuff, Panzera? Got something embarrassing?"

Dorothy's heart stopped for a split second. She didn't want to tell them about her words, especially not in the presence of her soulmate. She also didn't want to lie to her new teammates' faces.

"My words just aren't something I want to see every day," She told the billionaire simply.

Wanda leaned into Vision, her soulmate, and asked, "Have you met your soulmate yet?"

Dorothy accidentally glanced at Steve, whose blue eyes met her brown ones. What did she say to that? She didn't want him to know just yet.

"I met him, yes."

Some squeals from the girls and "ooh"s from the boys. Wanda followed up with the dreaded question, "Who is he?"

Another glance at Steve, this time he was more intrigued. He looked at her cuff as he shifted forward.

"I don't really want to talk about him."

Stark barked a light, taunting laugh. "Why? Your words that bad?"

"Tony," Steve scolded.

"What? Lots of people have bad words, nothing to be ashamed of–"

Suddenly Dorothy was back in grade school being pressured into showing her words.

She stood up, her knees aching from sitting in that position. She was overwhelmed and stressed. She hadn't had some set time for herself to think about what she wanted to do about her soulmate situation.

All her life she thought her soulmate wouldn't accept her. Even if the context of her words weren't what she thought, how did she know if Steve would want her?

She slipped out of the elevator, but she didn't go into her room yet. She stood in the hallway and gathered her thoughts.

She felt awful keeping this from him because he deserved to know. He deserved a choice. Out of all people, he deserved a soulmate the most.

But what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him.

The elevator opened up again, revealing Layla. The Scarlet Scarab. She followed Dorothy when she left, thinking she could possibly help her.

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