Chapter 0: The Day I Died, Again.

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Thank you all for clicking on this story, I might rarely update it but I still want you all to have a blast reading even this small chunk of what I came up with, you should all know this includes Spoilers for the Blackwell Games so i recommend you guys checking them out, they are fantastic games after all, please also comment if you want so i can see suggestions or your reactions to this, now I hope you all enjoy~


The day started out as normal for the old Joey Mallone. He was in his hospital bed, he hated saying that word, his old body finally starting to due out. He lived finally, now he can see Rosa again. In his death bed, his memories come back, reminding him of the good he did as a Spirit Guide, as he takes his final breath, he wishes that he could have had more of a family while living.



Joey would then finally pass on, looking at himself, he appeared as he was when he Was a spirit guide, his blue shade, his hat, his tie....all of it here. Finally looking to the light, he can see them, Danny, his wife, Lauren with 'Jacko' along and infront of him. Rosa. "Took you long enough." She said, smiling as she reached out her hand to him.

"Don't look half bad yourself Red." Joey said with his own smile as he took it, entering the pearly gates. Gaining his young living form again. He met Lauren again along with Jack who was mad he was a reason why Rosa died so Young, he accepted it and knows Joey didn't mean for that to happen.

Joey talked with Laura finally they hugged, as they were basically family. He saw so much and he felt at peace, but there was just something nagging at him. Something familiar...

Years and years, decades and so on passed in Heaven, New People died and it was a nice afterlife. But Joey felt, something still, like he wasn't finished yet. That something he had to do still. He talked with some of the Angels, let him tell ya, he did not expect them to look the way they did.

They eventually figured out that Joey still can be a Spirit Guide, the bond between him and the Family is still strong, but it was dormant because he was alive again. There were Blackwell Relatives he can watch over because the main line was gone. Joey decided to atleast see from heaven what the deal was.

Suffice it to say, Joey was intrigued by the world, it seems that ghostly event by his last case with Rosa, set off a chain reaction that caused these things called Quirks to come into being. Basically creating superheroes, god he wished they had come sooner when he was a Guide. But they dealt with ghosts anyway it wouldn't have mattered.

He watched over the Midoriya line especially, just because he felt a connections to it, something similar to the Blackwell's. Joey had the option to Leave Heaven, while he didn't want to leave Rosa and her family, he actually missed it, missed being a Guide and helping spooks.

That's when he saw him, the boy that just was flowing with Spiritual Energy..he was such a kind kid that it warmed his Heart, but it also broke it when he saw his father, and him developing no Quirk. Basically, the world leaving him in the dirt..

Joey felt a connection to the Kid, while The Other Blackwells had the same feeling towards him. They considered Joey's offer and eventually, they agreed, Joey can come back if he wants to, but this was for the Kid.

Joey figured out that it will take him awhile for him to be the Kid's Guide, meaning that the Kid will see him atleast when he hit 15. Along with his needing the energy to leave Heaven being very vast. Joey decided it was worth it. "Hold on kid, you won't be alone soon..."

When it was time, he said goodbyes to the Blackwells, Danny, and even his own Family that he managed to reconnect with after all this time. "See ya, Red." Joey said to Rosa. "It's fine Joey, we will be watching over you and Izuku." Joey nods as he would then Depart to the Living World once again. "Alright Green, time to show the world what you are made of."

When Izuku returned from school, after another day of avoiding Kacchan. He would continue getting these headaches, he doesn't know what's causing them, but when he got to his room, it just got worse and worse until...It stopped. "Is it..over?"

Izuku said as he then sees something, wispy, something forming infront of him, It looked like a person? No..he was was a- "Hello, Emerald Eyes." It said as Izuku and just passed out onto the bed. "Why do they always do that..?" Joey said, miffed.
Hi everyone! Hope it was a Fun read, I will continue this story soon of course! Just let me know what you guys thought of it! I will see ya soon, Byeeee!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2022 ⏰

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