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Walking, it's really quiet walking besides Inui, he doesn't really talk, and so do I. How do I start a conversation with him? What do I even know about him? He thinks that the blood getting sucked out by a needle is good...wait. WHY AM I EVEN TALKING ABOUT THIS? I ACTUALLY HATE BLOOD.


Looking down at Inui's feet, he's wearing heels, iconic for him to wear the heels. Honestly, bro looks good everytime he wearing heel.

"Inui-san, doesn't wearing heels hurt your feet?"

"I guess...but I'm used to it." He says

"That's nice..."




"How did you know Shinichiro-san, Inui-san?" Trying to start another conversation, which led to him speaking about how he met Shin and how he looks up to him.


We're now at a convenience store, which I haven't really been to actually. Usually it only happened like 2 times, but I just ask Kenta or somebody in the mansion to get stuff for me. I got a few items for myself, an onigiri, spicy cup ramen, and a lemon soda. Inui got green tea and a bread bun. I also got Shin a mini bento since he wanted a bento.

Going to the register, the person greated us before they looked at me.


"...huh." Looking up, I see who was talking to me.

Oh, it's Kenta. I told him to get a job incase I don't ask him to help me with anything aka, I don't pay his ass. I mean, the money I give him is ¥5000000 (5 million yen/33,655 dollars here in the U.S) once or twice a month if he assists or helps me with something. However, it doesn't always happen every month, so I told him to work a job incase. Specifically, a job which my father owns since you know, the Huang Co. has a ton of places. I didn't know he worked here.

The Inui looks confused on how we know each other and why he used the name Razor and not Rey. But I just give my items and tell Inui to also put his items there.

"You sure? I can just p-" Inui says looking at me.


"Alright, uh, your total is ¥2500." Kenta looks at us both. "Cash or card?"

Giving the cash to Kenta, he gave me my change and we both left to go back to S.S Moters. While walking, Inui looks at me confused from what happened in the store.


"What's up?"

"Why did he call you Razor, isn't your name Rey?" He says looking at me with his neutral face.


"I have a lot of names, Razor's just a nickname." I say walking again with the scarred boy. "Rey is my real name, but usually I introduce myself as Razor."

Technically, it's a half lie, I go by Razor and most know me as that, but I went by Razor because I didn't want anybody to actually know my actual name. I actually came up with that name on spot meeting with Kakucho so uh.

"I see..."


We finally got to the bike shop and I gave Shin his bento while I just opened up my spicy cup ramen, got hot water from Shin's kettle, which he somehow as one, and just dumped the water until it was on the fill line. So, I'm now waiting for my cup ramen to be finished. 3 minutes isn't long, WHEN YOU'RE DOING SOMETHING. I can't do anything right now, so I'ma guess I'll have to do the waiting game.

Opening the onigiri I got, it had spicy imitation crab as its filling as it was labeled. Opening it, I just ate it while waiting and it wasn't bad. It's spicy and fluffy, it also had nori, which was kinda crunchy. I ate kinda slow since I liked the flavor. Overall, savory onigiri and good to eat for a snack.

I just watched Shin and Inui eat either food and just waited for my cup noodles to be ready. Waiting...it's almost done...





Grabbing the half open lid, I pulled it always open and got my chopsticks. I mixed the ramen for all the flavor to part equally and then ate it. Man, I'ma probs have diarrhea from this shit bro, spicy as hell but it's good.

Inui and Shin are talking and I'm just eatting quietly, not wanting to talk right now. All the sudden, my phone starts to vibrate and opening it up, it's a call. Excusing myself from the bike shop, I went to the back of the shop and anwsered the call.

"Who is this."

"It's me Haitani Ran! Don't you remember me~?"

"Yeah. Okay goodbye."



No. I'm hungry, don't call me when I'm hungry bitch. Okay sure, Ran is honestly cool and all, BUT LIKE I DON'T FEEL LIKE TALKING RIGHT NOW. I FEEL LIKE I'MA PASS OUT FROM MY LACK OF SLEEP.

Speaking of sleep, in my previous life, I didn't sleep as much, probably 5-6 hours? But for some reason, this life made me sleep for 9-10 hours, but recently, my sleep schedule changed back to my normal sleeing schedule back then. I also started to grow eyebags...that's weird, never happened last time.

Going back to the shop, I was walking there until I started to grow light headed. God I'm hungry as fuck...

"Hey Shinichiro-san, Inui-san, I'm back..."

"Ah, welcome back Rey-kun!" Shin says while fixing up a bike.

Inui waves to me saying high, I wave back to him. Sitting next to the scarred boy, I just watch Shin fixing a bike, nothing special. Looking at the time, it's right now 12 pm and I gotta get back or they'll go batshit insane from me leaving again.

Walking towards the door, Inui looks at me waving again to say bye, I also wave to him. Once I ooen the door and exited out...


Why do I feel so ti-


"I'm sorry to confirmed this, but Huang Rey has died from massive brain damage..."

...Huh. Wait, this dream...

"No...I couldn't save her. It's like with him all over again."


Wait, I remember now. THE DREAM I HAD WHEN I WAS AT KENTA'S. It's a continuation? I...died? And what does he mean he couldn't save me like him...



A/N: It feels a lil rushed but hey! New chapter AND NEW CHAINSAW MAN EPISODE 😍

Also, maybe once the story gets into 2005/main story of Tokyo Revengers, Rey's personality might change since I want her to be as realistic and not have the same personality for years and years.

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