Resurfacing [4]

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And she was more aware of that, more than anyone else, but she couldn't stand by and do nothing to help the young cultivators; as she felt that they were starting to also panic and were about to give in, to their despair.

So she played, regardless of her well-being. She knew that she shouldn't, but their security was well more important at the moment. The last time she stood by, without doing anything, it costed her own brother and also other lives.

Although other, tried to reassure her or justify her acts, the guilt she felt at those moments, never faded away and only grew unbearable. 

One life against a thousand more. Does hesitation, still has its place, at those moments? You might lose something of you. For example, a part of your body, retain some injuries or even lost some years of your life. But are those things really worth the regret of not being able the lives, one could have saved with enough efforts?

People may say that, you are a fool or that you did your best, but no one will know better than yourself.

So if her life, could save or protect other's, then she is sure that no regrets will come back to bite her.

She really commends and is even proud of Lan Jingyi's efforts to calm the people down, but it's in those moments that words would fall into deaf ears. And it was one of the worst condition possible because, crying and chaos attracts evil beings and danger.

After silence and calm came back, stillness reinstalled itself. Only few light breaths and faints were still heard. Amidst the dark, Lan Sizhui lit a Flame Talisman up; a flame that would not be extinguished by anything.

Even though, some lights were lighted up, something was wrong. It's like a veil was thrown over the place, making it eerier than it was a few minutes ago. When, some believed that nothing worse happen, A-Ding suddenly cried. 

"Hand— His hand! A-Tong's hand!" The cries made Lan Sizhui move the Flame talisman, above A-Tong's body. Like previously, sure enough, his left had also vanished in the air, as if it wasn't there in the first place.

While everything became all the more so heated up, Wei Yeqiu's mind became more and more blurred up. Was it, because she was near a source of demonic energy, or because she didn't take her medicine in time? She didn't know either.

At the moment, all she knew is that something attracted the 'evil being', and sure enough, it couldn't be the flags. Their reach were not enough to attract such a thing, on the top of that, a such ferocious 'evil being' couldn't be attracted by those flags. And if it was really the case, why did this 'evil being' began to act, when coincidentally, some cultivators were present in the Mo village? Something doesn't add up, and it couldn't have been caused by destiny or even fate. 

Those things only exist in people's minds.

'Who could have caused all this?' Yeqiu thought, while trying to regain some clarity, which was unsuccessful. Still, it was a good thing that she wasn't in the young cultivators' way.

After trying, to some extent, to stay conscious, she unfortunately fainted. Though, the trust she had put into her protégés, never swayed once. Some, may not believe it, but it takes time for someone to put fully his trust in someone ; she had learnt so, in spite of herself, after all members of her family died one by one.

To this day, she still regrets everything from that day. She couldn't help but think that, if she had protected them, they would still be alive now. If, she had showed her support to her brother, then would it have become different, from how it is now. An incalculable number of questions passed through her mind, making her unconsciously look blankly at the scenery in front of her.

Though, she stopped herself from going too far in her dwelling, as there is no longer any use to mull over things that happened in the past. She snapped out of her thoughts, she decided to do something.

Foremost, she took a short bath and changed in fresh clothes, as she noticed that she still was in her clothes from yesterday.

Soft green and white matched with green emerald clothes, falling softly and gracefully on her refreshed figure. Ebony hair, weaved carefully with a green lace, into a well-made long braid that placed onto her shoulder.

Veil discarded as she was currently into the chamber that was assigned to her, a few years ago, when she lost her place at the lotus pier, owned by the Yùnméng Jiang clan. A clan that was known as one of the most powerful and famous.

Purple and soft pink. The colours worn by the disciple of the Jiang clan, along with their clarity bell that has the capacity to keep the owner's mind clear.

Of course, she was not banned from the clan. Quite the opposite, she is still welcomed by the clan, and especially by the head, who is her martial brother. The latter always asked her to come home with him, those past years, and even pleaded once, but she had expressed her refusal at every time, because she saw herself unworthy to come back to a home.

A home that was destroyed long ago by the greed of a long forgotten clan.

That's the reason as to why, she had never worn purple and pink together. Though, she had also never worn the white and clear blue, the colours that were known to be Gusu Lan clan's.

Even though, she currently resided in that clan, she was not part of it. The said clan's elder had, in the past, forwarded to her, their willingness to adopt her into the clan, but she had not accepted it.

She will always be a 'Wei'. Be it in the past, in the present and in the future.

Wearing fresh clothes, she made her way to her workshop arranged into the brightest room in her quarters, in which, the moonlight penetrated in, effortlessly.

Currently, she was working on an embroidery on a handkerchief that she had started on a whim. While doing so, lost in her thoughts, she was reminiscing on events that belong, a long time already, to the past. 

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