Could be Worse

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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : sTraNgeRs (Bring Me The Horizon)

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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : sTraNgeRs (Bring Me The Horizon)

So won't you break me down, break me down
Make me get better
I confess I'm a mess, some kind of error
Well, maybe I was destined to disappear


College. A place of learning and education in which will help qualify for a good job in the future, which will lead into a successful life, good money, learn new things and grow as a person. Or, as a lot of college students see it; hell on earth. At the moment, I also see myself in that group of students.

How had it been only a week and I was already up to my neck in stress and messily written notes. During the last lecture of the day, I had almost considered stapling my eyes open just to stay awake and write down whatever blurry words the professor had scrawled down on the whiteboard.

Perhaps I wouldn't have been as tired if I had moved into the campus dorms instead of waking up at home at some ridiculous time in the morning to drive over an hour to campus grounds. Things were still getting sorted there, mainly packing away my belongings at home and getting the all clear from the dorms. It was a lot slower than everyone else but I was getting there.


Startled, my head slips from my open palm to harshly connect with the wooden desk in front of me. Hissing in pain, I jolt back and rub at the growing headache now forming.

"Oh, gosh. I'm so sorry!" The short haired ravenette covers her mouth with her hands, dark eyes wide with guilt as she takes a shocked step forward, "Are you okay? Crap, I didn't know you were totally out of it!"

Groaning, I shake my head and close my eyes for a few moments, "It's fine, I didn't even notice the lecture ended." I mutter, peeling one eye open to scan the now empty room, besides the two of us.

Rhiannon slowly lowers her hands, revealing the deep frown she had on her face. One I had grown use to, considering she was a childhood friend of mine. We grew up in the same neighbourhood, being the only two in our age group at that time, we were bound to stick to each other. Our friendship had lasted many years, primary school, high school, and now the same college. Though, we both had different career paths in mind.

Her soft sigh breaks me out of my daydreaming again, making my eyes move from the corner of the room to her pale face. "Come on, you look like you could use a nap." She smiles softly, already reaching out to close my laptop.

"Or a coma." I add quietly, a small amused smile creeping onto my face at her noise of disappointment.

Together we work on packing the rest of my equipment away into my bag safely until it was thrown over my shoulders and we had walked out of the lecture rooms door. I tiredly rubbed at one of my eyes, ignoring how my sight went blurry for a few seconds when I blinked the sleep away.

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