Christmas day🎄

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December 25th, Saturday, 6:00am , Aliyah's house

José pov:

Today is Christmas and me and Aliyah are up getting everything thing ready for the boys.

She's currently getting the breakfast ready, while I get all of our gifts organized.

The way me and Aliyah want to do this Christmas is by having the kids open a few of their gifts when they wake up and then once the party starts around 2pm everyone will all go around opening up more gifts.

20 minutes later..
Aliyah got done with breakfast and a few seconds later we hear little footsteps from the stairs and I look up to see a sleepy Jayden coming down the stairs.

Jayden sees me and his mom in the living room and comes running towards us with a big smile on his face.

Jayden gives his mama a big hug and whispers good morning to her and then he comes over and hugs me and also greets me with a good morning as well.

Me and Aliyah both smile at how cheerful Jayden is this morning.

Aliyah- " merry Christmas bubba !do you want to eat breakfast now before opening up some of your gifts?"

Jayden- merry Christmas mama and daddy *in a soft tone " and yes please!" he says with a little more excitement in his tone.

Aliyah then leads us to the dining room where all the food is placed and she gets started on making Jayden's plate first.

While she's doing that I make my plate ahead of time and I sit next to Jayden.

Aliyah's pov:

While José and Jayden eat I go upstairs to go wake up my other little baby.

I'm very excited to see Leo's reaction since this is his first Christmas he's had.

We definitely went all out with the boys gifts, and along with just the whole house decorating.

I start walking up the stairs and I head into Leo's room and see that he's still knocked out in his crib.

Walking over to his crib I pick him up gently and start talking to him softly to get him to wake up in my arms.

A couple seconds and he start waking up, when he opens his eyes and looks at me he immediately give me a little toothy smile.

Leo has finally been teething and he now has three teeth. And It definitely was a little rocky in the beginning because his gums would hurt so we started buying teething rings to help.

While carrying Leo I head back downstairs and sit me and Leo down on the couch so that I can nurse him before we go and sit at the dining room.

As I get me and Leo situated I overhear José and Jayden's conversation about how excited Jayden is to open his presents and how he can't wait to see both of his nana's today.

Refocusing I lift the left side of my shirt up and help Leo latch on, once he's latched on I relax with him as he nurses.

A good 15 minutes later leo gets done nursing on both side so I made sure to burp him and then place him in his high chair.

I'm only gonna give Leo a few slices of fruits since he is full off of my breast milk.

While Leo eats his little cut up watermelon I go ahead and start making my plate and sitting down next to José and Jayden and join in on their conversation.

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