Prologue P2: Stupid Kart Crash Course

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[A/N: random fun fact, the title used to just be "Kart Krash Kourse" all spelled with K for a funny alliteration, but was scrapped by the end due to a realization in the name that I probably should have noticed sooner, just a random fun fact I thought would be funny to mention in writing, anyway, enjoy the chapter]


After a while, the Guardian Pod has finally begun to reach land, just then, I heard a voice as warnings began to appear

[1:20 - 1:29]

And with that, that the Pod began hurdling towards the ground, but obviously, I was calm and kept my cool


Yep, totally cool, eventually, the pod finally crashed, and I blacked out for a while after that, don't know what happened during that time, I think I might have heard footsteps at some point but I don't know, the next thing I know, a computer scr...

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Yep, totally cool, eventually, the pod finally crashed, and I blacked out for a while after that, don't know what happened during that time, I think I might have heard footsteps at some point but I don't know, the next thing I know, a computer screen is turning on, I walk towards it to see what appears

Computer Voice: please wait to scan

and just then a weird green light appears and proceeds to scan my entire body


Computer Voice: Scan complete, SMG identified, Welcome SuperMemeGuardian_ID6, I hope you had a safe travel

Y/N: SMG6? Me?

Computer Voice: yes, you are the sixth SMG, the one I was chosen to watch over

Y/N: to watch over, me? who are you?

Computer: I am Penny, your Mechanical.Enigmatic.Meme_Guardian.Expert AI, otherwise known as your MEME AI, I am created as an educator to teach you the in's and out's of being a meme guardian to prepare for the future, as well as to maintain the guardian pods

Y/N: interesting, but why didn't the other pods have it

Penny: The other pods did have such AI to maintain the Pods though, 3&4's pod had a slowpoke, and 0's pod had an eyeball, however that is mere speculation rather than answers

Y/N: What do you mean

Penny: My creator, [ID REDACTED], most of my memories, other than my currently existing databanks, my name, and my purpose, anything else from my past is a bit fuzzy

Y/N: okay, we'll figure that out later, but dialing it back I'M A MEME GUARDIAN

Penny: SUPER Meme Guardian, the S is in the acronym for a reason, and yes, your ID matches that of the 6th Mem Guardian

SMG6, A Meme for Another Chance (SMG4 x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now