28 ~ Octoboy and Seashell

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Vil had gotten permission for the Film Study Club to use a cozy section of the library to display the film, clearing up space for the students to sit around the display of a holographic screen.

Yuu waltzed in happily, arms linked with Azul as she led him to a spot near the side of the room, though still relatively close to the front. The perfect location for watching a movie; not too close to the front nor the back.

"I didn't think you both would be here," Vil commented as he messed with something on the computer projecting the hologram, glancing up to the both of them. "Will the Mostro Lounge be alright without its manager?"

Azul raised an eyebrow. "Jade and Floyd will make sure things stay in order while I'm away."

Vil nodded, replying, "It's good that you could make it, then," turning his full attention to the computer.

"Does he not want me here?" Azul whispered into Yuu's ear. She looked up at him with a grin, quickly moving to kiss him. "He's probably still upset about how I used to ditch class to spend time with you~"

"That's not even my fault, though..."

"It is by association," she hummed, an arm wrapped around his as she leaned onto his shoulder. He gave her a kiss to the top of her head before resting his own head on top of hers.

The conversations in the room lowered to quiet murmurs as Vil announced that he would start playing the movie once there was silent.

With a swish of her pen, Yuu summoned a blanket and wrapped it around her and Azul. He raised an eyebrow and looked down at her, to which she only responded with a smile before tapping her head to his shoulder again.

Silence swept over the room and Vil started the film, taking his own seat in the front next to Rook. The atmosphere seemed to change, with everyone now fixated on the screen.

Yuu let out a small noise when she first appeared on the screen, burying her face into Azul's shoulder. "This is embarrassing..." she mewled, and he let out a quiet chuckle in response, his attention intently fixed on the movie.

Azul couldn't help but think that despite how ravishing his girlfriend looked on screen, nothing could compare to the real one that was latched onto his arm, currently cowering in embarrassment.

"...When she breaks the tender peel, to taste the apple in my hand, her breath will still, her blood congeal, then I'll be fairest in the land!"

Yuu moved closer to Azul's ear to whisper, "That was one of my favorite scenes."

He gave her a smile. "You acted it out perfectly," he responded under his breath, being careful not to disturb anyone else's experience.

"...Thanks for coming, Azul," she whispered even quieter than before, almost unintelligibly.

Azul paused for a moment as he observed her expression and the way she tugged the blanket around herself protectively. He planted a kiss on the top of her head. "Don't thank me, my Seashell," he said, echoing the words she'd said to him so many times. "I want to be here."

She felt a smile grow on her face as she snuggled closer to him. "You're so sweet."

He gave her another brief kiss in response and both of their gazes turned once again to the movie in front of them. Though he was enthralled by the story, Azul found himself unable to focus on it, getting distracted by the thoughts coursing through his mind instead.

'We've come a long way, haven't we?'

His eyes flitted down to the girl nestled against him, her eyes captivated by the screen. He suppressed a small chuckle, thinking about how he first viewed her, back in their freshman year. Beautiful, jovial, and just the right amount of mischievous; he couldn't help but feel intimidated by her (though, looking back, maybe it was less intimidation and more not knowing how to behave around his crush).

Yet, when she came to him for a contract, his view of her shifted. Though she was every bit of stunning as he'd first thought, she also had her quirks and behaviors that made her even more adorable to him-especially the way she used to be scared of water and would cling to him as though her life depended on it.

And then they started dating. He didn't know how to handle himself at first, and his actions definitely reflected that. Thankfully, Yuu was there to help him through it, and he learned how to behave in a way that would make her happy

But he was still keeping so much bottled up; the stress of pretending to be fine despite all of his insecurities along with all of the work that came with being a housewarden and running the lounge built up and he fell victim to overblot.

After that event was when Azul realized that Yuu genuinely loved him. He wasn't sure what exactly he thought she felt before, but it really hit him when she stayed in his room, not leaving his side that week after the catastrophe. She loved him.

Not only did she simply love him, but she taught him how to begin to love himself as well. Sure, he was still insecure about many things, but the most important thing was that he was improving, thanks to her assistance. He was getting better, one step at a time, no longer clinging onto and believing every insult his bullies used to hurl at him. Instead, he believed what the people that cared about him told him, like Yuu.

He really was doing better. He had never been happier in his life.

"This is the part where I die," Yuu whispered as she moved her ring to his and connected the hearts, interrupting his thoughts. He let out a quiet chuckle, twirling a strand of her hair between his fingers. "I think it's a shame you played the villainess instead of the protagonist."

She looked up at him with a smile, one eyebrow raised. "What's wrong with being a villain?"

"You don't have a single evil bone in your body," he laughed in a hushed tone, pressing a kiss to her nose.

She beamed up at him, pecking his beauty mark in response. "But I did a good job with my role, didn't I?"

"You did, my love. You did." The screen suddenly went black and the credits began to roll, the room erupting into applause seconds after. Many students began filing out of the room, though the Film Study students stayed, watching the credits roll by.

"Look!" Yuu exclaimed delightfully, pointing to the screen. "There's my name!"

He chuckled, no longer having to hush himself to avoid disturbing those watching the movie. "Of course your name's up there. You were the main antagonist, after all. This film wouldn't exist without you."

"I know, it's just..." Her expression filled with wistfulness. "It's incredible seeing at all come together. It sort of feels like the end of an era or something."

Azul gently held her face in his hands, pressing a chaste kiss to her lips. "You did wonderfully, my Seashell." She leaned into his touch, moving her own hands to his waist. "And I suppose it is the end of an era, in its own right. You'll have different films to work on from now on and such."

"It's almost sad," she laughed. "But in a good way!" She intertwined one of her hands with Azul's, the hands that wore their rings. "I'm glad I have you," she said suddenly, her voice low.

A smile tugged at his lips. "What brought that on all of a sudden?"

"I'm just glad to have you!" She said brightly, her expression shifting into a grin. "Can't I tell you that?"

"You can, but it seemed so out of the blue," he responded, a hand moving to adjust the coin pendant's string around his neck. "Your voice doesn't normally lose all of its life and say eerily sentimental things."

"Right, that's more of a you thing~" she teased, glancing at the screen and realizing that the credits would end soon.

When her gaze returned to Azul, he cupped her face and brushed his lips against hers, pausing before kissing her. Gravity seemed to pull her towards him as she kissed back, a stupid, lovestruck smile forming on her face as she pulled away.

"I love you, Octoboy~"

"I love you too, my Seashell."

The credits came to a stop and the screen changed to display one last message, closing the film.

'The End.'

Ocean Mist (Azul Ashengrotto/Yuu)Where stories live. Discover now